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RE: Hi Steemit! 😊

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Welcome to Steemit! When I read your peaceful parenting post, I had no idea it was only your second post.

As long as I can remember, I have dreamt of living a creative life where it would be possible to spend my days creating art while having an abundantly adventurous life with my family.

I think I can safely say we share very similar dreams. Finding a way to earn, while being creative, and giving ample time to my family is a very fine balancing act. Most days, it's a struggle but I refuse to give up. Right now, I guest post on my hubs account because I do not have the time to dedicate to my own blog. My babies are too young and need me present in their life. I mostly Steem at night or when the twins are napping.

Your fiber-art is incredibly beautiful! I am really looking forward to following your blog, especially if you post about parenting. I haven't looked for many attachment parenting blogs here on Steemit but love that I've stumbled across like-minded mamas to connect with. -Aimee


The balancing act is real! So necessary for optimal happiness achieved each day, though yeah? Again, I really applaud your drive to never give up. I also have jumped onto here when my kids are occupied or asleep.

I'll be your patient first follower for whenever you do start your own blog, but that's so neat you're already so active and making connections already anyways. I've only recently been able to take my fiber arts "to the next level" because of Zac being home while our toddler has simultaneously become less interested in nursing and more interested in using the restroom like we do. Up until recently, I have had to do everything creative-wise in short bursts between diaper changes and the ever-illusive self-care time. You are so right that your babies need you present in their life, you are and always will be. What a special time. Their needs, interests, and abilities will be vastly different around the corner too so that's going to be very exciting :)

Oh the short bursts in between moming. I totally get it! Thanks for being a patient first follower. I hope I don't disappoint. Ha ha! Oh self-care, that could be an entire post right there. I took 5 months before having any time away from my babies. What a whirlwind. Now that I have a stash of frozen milk, I hake one day a month to myself so I can recharge and be a better, more patient mom. -Aimee