cahoutek intro/bio post

It's wonderful to be with you beautiful people. I'm a writer of fantastic and speculative fiction seeking to grow in my trade by posting here. I don't have much to say about myself, only that I'd rather be living these things than writing about them.

Feel free to offer me critique and suggestions and point me to a story of yours you'd like me to comment on. If it ever feels like a story of mine doesn't have enough action to properly live in the #pulprev tag, don't worry, it's on its way.


A great place to give and receive critique and suggestions -
and find support from other writers and a sense of community -

We'd love to see you there. @chea and a lot of veteran Pulp-Revs joined last night -

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Glad to meet a fellow traveler. I look forward to your contributions to SteemPulp.