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RE: Introduction of an Asian who is Not A Ninja

Welcome @hicoridee!

I can relate a lot to you: immigrant who was hit hard by the culture shock when I moved to the states ~8 years ago. Now, I've learned to own my heritage. That big jump changed my life for the best and the challenges made me stronger, smarter, and wiser. People seem to respect that. I also dream of traveling the world in the days to come.

Who knows, maybe I'll be more addicted to this than Instagram.

Idk about you but I started actively using Steemit since last December and I am rarely ever on FB or Insta now. This place is addicting haha.

Anyways, quick answer to your question about bolding or italicizing:

To bold a word or multiple words, use ** (two asterisks) immediately before and after the word(s). To italicize, use _ (one underscore) immediately before and after the word(s). Idk how to do underline though. Not sure if it's a thing yet.

Anyways, wishing you all the best on here! :)


Thank you so much! I found an article late last night on how to add special formatting to blog post on Steemit! But seeing this comment helps in case I forget who posted that article! lol

I wish I could underline text though. Maybe something to post about so that Steemit can add it as an option? :P