Halo sahabat steemit 10 hari sudah saya menghilang sejenak dari steemit. Bukan karna jenuh tapi ada beberapa kegiatan yang harus saya selesaikan sebagai mahasiswa akhir di IAIN Lhokseumawe.
Kalian pasti sudah tau apa yang saya maksud ?
SKRIPSI....... Ya.. itu yang saya maksud...!
Saya tidak akan menjelaskan lebih rinci apa itu skripsi, karna penulis yakin kalian pasti sudah pada tau.
Ok... intinya skripsi itu adalah sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa akhir sebagai salah satu syarat sah mengikuti sidang kelulusan.
Ok teman teman.... mohon doanya ya...
Hello steemian for 10 days I have disappeared for a moment from steemit. Not because of saturation, but there are some activities that I have to finish as a final student at IAIN Lhokseumawe.
You must know what I mean?
THESIS ....... Yes .. that's what I mean ...
I will not explain in more detail what is a THESIS, because the authors believe you guys would already know.
Ok ... the essence of that thesis is a study conducted by the final student as one of the requirements to follow the graduation session.
Ok friends .... please pray ya .........
welcome to steemit ,we happy to have you here!
I wish you the best! and hope to see you soon.
Welcome to steemit
Welcome 2
Welcome to steem
Good that Joined Steemit! Followed for the initial support. Perhaps you might be interested in Crypto News all the from Malaysia
welcome to steemit! followed you pls follow back ;)
thanks, followed u
welcome Blackkim! I hope you enjoy here as much as i do ! Nice post, i will follow your account, please follow me at @khunpoom
thanks, followed u @khunpoom
Kaleuh beh 😄
thaks brotha
Hey there @blackkim! Welcome to the platform :]
G'day @blackkim! Welcome to the platform :]
Welcome dear in steemit family. Have a good journey, Best of luck:-)
Welcome to Steemit !
You got an upvote by @cryptokraze to start here.
Good Luck
Senag bisa berkenalan denganmu. Kita satu almamter dari kampus yang sama. Mudah mudahan kita bisa berkenalan lebih jauh melalui media steemit ini, kok bisa menghilang dari steemit selama beberapa hari. Apakah kamu sibuk dengan aktifitas kampus. Glak to see u
hello~ blackkim, Upvote & Follow is ou great strength.
Let's try to get along.
A new Steemian :-) hello @blackkim I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, Wish you much luck! I Have upvoted and will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk
Welcome to steemit !! Enjoy this beautiful world! Followed. Follow me back 😘