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RE: Hi Steemit! Ritchie Plunkett here, I took the Red Pill

Ritchie, dope intro and glad you’re following the light and joining us here. You (and your wallet) will glad you came! It’s such a unique platform and it’s evident you have a lot to bring to the table. Keep the post quality primo 👌🏾like this ad steem on, brother.


Thanks brother, that's right and my wallet hahaha. Hope to make some awesome content and make some new friends along the way

You will definitely make friends along the way! As your new friend, I will go ahead and say I'm a "sista". Clearly this guy is blind, guys! haha JK :-) If it helps to know, my page is covering LGBT content primarily, so I really don't mind being called brother, actually.

I'll be following you though, because I can tell the guy behind that smile knows how to take a joke and have a good time. Don't let this be the last time we chat, ya hear?

Side bar - I'm on Discord. If you are there or find yourself there, my name is betterbeing#0072

Awesome, will definitely check out your stuff and jump on discord. Thanks frienlarge.pngd