Having a big family is one of the things I am most thankful for. Growing up, I had a gang of cousins all ready to back me up from anything. Childhood was never boring for me.
One of whom I have been really close with is my cousin Peachy. I call her Ate Peach, ate is Filipino word to call someone older than you to show respect. Our age gap didn't get in the way of us having the same likes and dislikes.
Ate Peachy, like my sister is now miles from me. She moved to New Zealand some years ago and has only been home a few times. I know her writings will make me miss her less. Because I miss her a lot.Last night, she surprised me, just like how my sister @itsonlywords did last week. Left a heartfelt comment on one of my posts and instantly I knew it was her. She and my sister are those that I admire so much when it comes to writing. That's why from the time I learned of good things about Steemit, I have talked them into creating their accounts here.
Prior to her moving to NZ, I couldn't remember a day without her. Her mother worked in a different country and entrusted her care to my mother. We practically grew up together - lived in the same house, went to the same schools, had her friends as my friends and mine her friends too. When I think about it now, I feel like I was more closer to her than my sister.
Clockwise; my grandfather, my grandmother, me and ate Peachy.
We had lots of memories together. That time she cooked breakfast for us and ended up getting her dress caught in pfire. That was funny and scary at the same time. That incident though, made her win first place in an oratorical contest where she had to do a declamation piece and pretend to be a beggar. Her burnt clothes added to her talent!
She's been with us even before I was born. Those are my parents with @itsonlywords and @colormepeach.
There was also this time when I seriously thought we were going to die together. We were out at the beach to celebrate her college graduation. We went to the waters not realizing the current was too strong. It over powered us both and dragged us up to wherever. Thank God for other cousins who were there who took our hands and pulled us out. He knew we still have lots of memories to make.
We read the same books, listened to the same songs and watched the same movies. She knew of my childhood crushes. She knows a lot of bad things about me that she can use against me if she wanted to but she never did that. Because more than a cousin, she was my sister from another mother.
Cousins are the first friends we have as children. They are the best of both worlds because they're family and friends at the same time. Even if miles have separated you, no one will ever understand you like your cousins do.
I miss you, @colormepeach! Welcome to Steemit!
Thanks for reading!
Jonah (and John)
post:This is in response to @future24's Monthly Author Challenge. If you feel like joining, consider this as my nomination for you to take the challenge! Rules are below, grabbed from @future24's
Post 1 article with a photo of your life every day for one month and use the tag #monthlyauthorchallenge for this posts.
You don´t have to add a detailed describtion to your photo article and it can be a quick photo post with Steepshot for example too. (But don´t forget the #monthlyauthorchallenge tag!)
The photo of your life don´t has to be up-to-date, but not older than 1 year, or you can also choose a photo of your childhood.
To make it more comfortable for everyone, you don´t have to nominate someone for the challenge every day in your daily post. Nominating is voluntary, but to share this fun, I would suggest to nominate some other Steemians from time to time, so that you can do this funny challenge together.
Your challenge ends when you reached the Monthy Author badget on steemitboard.com and then just make a final post that you finished the challenge. Info: The period for the Monthly Author Badget is always from the first of a calendar month until the last day of this month. 👌
That's a beautiful introduction! My cousins are my bestfriends since my young age. Family is a gift of life.
Indeed! You can only wish more times to be together, yeah!
Thanks for reading!
Hello, I'm Oatmeal Joey, and I like your photos.
Awesome post, Jones! I've been procrastinating and haven't had the chance to write my first post.
Awesome post, Jones! I've been procrastinating and haven't had the chance to write my first post.
I'm looking forward to it. Stop procrastinating! 😊