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RE: Steemit Community Building: Wanna play the 'No Wrong Answers' Game? Day 10/30

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

My biggest regret is letting other people decide my selfworth. Especially as a child I took everyting way to serious. If an adult said I was dumb I immediately stored it in my brain as the truth.

This has done me harm because I made life choices over this believes. For example which school to go to.

Only as an adult I started to challenge some of these thoughts and made choices that fit better. I sure wish I could go back and tell my younger self that adults can and do lie.

I have learned to question old believes and to make choices based on what I want instead of what my selfworth dictates.


I know exactly what you mean! People love imposing their stupid fears and opinions on children since children are innocent and defenceless :/

Yes, they are. I also think not all adults (in my childhood) did mean those things sincerely. Maybe they where just joking around or didn't think I would remember/take it to heart. Some where outright bullying, to feel better by making a child feel less.....

Yeah children are very impressionable indeed! Adults often don't realise sadly that even the smallest thing said can have a deep impact on a child's psyche :/
Hopefully the next generation can do better for their children

Thanks for answering. And for sharing your story.