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RE: Introducing Myself

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

I'm a virgo, pisces rising. Also my best friend whitney whose coming to visit me in two weeks is a pisces! Pisceans are always super interesting to me. They are mesmerizing in such a unique way.

And shifting to internal design... What are your influences or what excites you about it? Just curious, I've always been very aware of space and energetic arrangements, and interior design has always fascinated me. I'm obsessed and influenced by japanese design. Also frank lloyd wright...


It's funny because you actually come across as having really Pisces-like energy to you. I was questioning if you were one lol. I guess your Pisces rising makes you come across that way, since it's the "face" that people see you as being. Do you know the rest of your chart? Well, it's actually a long story why I decided to do design again. I also feel spaces have energy to them and most people have no idea what they are doing! I just wanted deeper knowledge on how to create a great space and all the elements that come into play. I just graduated last month :D Which type of Japanese style? the post modern look?

Yes that makes sense. I'm moon in gemini, mercury in libra, venus in cancer, mars in aries, jupiter in gemini, saturn in sag...hbu?

I agree, there's certainly those that aren't as sensitive to it...and that's where you come in ;-) congrats on graduating, must feel good to have that under your belt.

I like post modern but mainly the aspects of how they utilize space. The simplistic nature to it. And I love that all the furniture stays low to the ground. There's something about it that's so appealing to me.

Yes, it feels super good! It took 2 years and I was ready to just be done!.. now i'm just figuring out whats next :) I think you might like the simplistic look and straight lines because you are a Virgo lol.. or probably not, but I looked up some of the furniture styles and they are really interesting. I'm the complete opposite, where curved lines are really appealing to me. I find art nouveau furniture and design style to be so interesting, but i'd probably never actually own any lol. You know, virgo is the opposite sign of pisces and they are basically the same, except totally different. I am cancer moon, pisces mercury, pisces venus, gemini mars and libra rising.. we both have pisces, libra, gemini and cancer in our charts! Pretty cool!

Totally feel you there. I spent a bunch of time in school (undergrad + grad) and getting out was such a huge relief (and quite exciting!). I know you said you're still figuring out what's next but if you could just start doing something right now (anything) what would you start doing / creating / learning?

Art nouveau is interesting. Especially the hand-crafted furniture made out of wood. Some of those designs are just gorgeous and equally mind-blowing. And yes lol, a bit expensive but hey... you never know... garage sales are still a thing :)

I've really had some of my deepest connections with piscean people so yeah, definitely feels like a sort of ying/yang balance of sorts. Most pisceans were spiritual connections for me. They've always exposed me to new forms of art that I still am fascinated by today.

And super cool that we are made out of the same schtuff. We've got a great soulful palette scheme going on ;-)

Honestly, after I was done school it's like.. okay what now? So I meditated and focused on asking the universe for what I needed to do next and was open to whatever it showed me. I think a few days after I randomly remembered steemit and went to check it out again, it took effort to refind my password for here! lol.. now for the past week I have been on here and it's been a lot of fun. I have felt inspired, creative and addicted! I'm not too sure what i'm even really doing when it comes to posting stuff, but I am here so i'm going to see what comes from it! Of course there is a lot of pressure from people asking me about jobs in design, and how my search is going.. and I say "yeah I am looking!" but in reality i'm just so relieved to have a break! They say that every person you come into contact with in some way is meaningful. You pass by hundreds of people every day and never have any sort of interaction, but the ones you do, even if it's for a few minutes or years are all meaningful soul connections. It's like you recognize something in them, from a past life or whatever it really is, that makes you connect. It's karmic in a way

That reminds me of how I got on here. In November I was definitely like "umm... where do I go now universe?!"

I knew I wanted to create content and share from my soul but I wasn't really finding my place on facebook or youtube...and then when Steemit came around and I realized its potential it literally just brought it all together for me.

Props for taking it easy and going at your pace. The world seems to think we need to be in a hurry. In reality, there's no rush. And imo, it's such a good idea to spend time experiencing life outside the confines of an institution or full time job. I made the mistake of not doing that and I spent the next few years craving life.

And yeah the more I experience life, the more I experience those sort of soul connections you mentioned. Have you seen the show Sens8? The telepathic nervous system concept they share throughout the series really does mimic my own life in a lot of ways...

I think you should keep it up! I see a lot of potential and good vibes coming from you and posting content on here :D You have to just trust the universe and wherever it leads you! I did work the whole 9-5 for many years, and my annoyance with it is what made me go to school. So I literally quit my job and went to school and found other means of supporting myself. But now I just really need to get a move onto something greater! If that means the whole full time again or something more (wishing for something more thought!) I've never seen that show but looked it up and it's on netflix.. yay! Thanks for recommending it i'm going to watch it tonight. I probably will watch the entire series in like 2 days though because i'm like that lol I was actually looking for a new show! :) I will see what you are talking about with their telepathic ways