Discover. Adapt. Evolve.

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

It’s always a daunting prospect of having to sell yourself to a bunch of strangers that have no idea who you are. I’ve been trying to search for the right words and string together the right sentences that won’t make me want to bury myself when I look back at this in the future. But I digress, this is my story.


I’m Ashok. I’m 20 years old and I hail from the thriving metropolis of Bangalore, India. By day I’m an engineering student, which given where I’m from only means I’m doing the same exact thing as half a billion other confused people – wasting four years of my life while I strive to discover where I fit into the world and what I plan to do in it. Finding my purpose has always been a higher calling to me but it’s always seemed like the more I try going in search of answers the more they end up eluding me. SO, for the time being, I’ve resigned myself to taking things one day and one step at a time.

I’ve always been fiercely passionate and opinionated but often held back from expressing them because I’m not very confrontational. In those situations when I feel like I have a voice that’s being drowned out, I write. I write when I have something to say but I can’t bring myself to say it. I call it poetry when it sounds nice or a rant when it’s just a jumbled up mush of words that have no real purpose together. I have a truly varied taste in music but find my root in indie and old-school jazz. I love tv shows and movies and working out and just about every other thing you’d expect from someone my age. I’m not the most spiritual or religious person you’d ever meet but I do believe we’re all here for a purpose and that we all need to band together and be kind to one another so I guess you can say humanity is my creed. Let’s spread some good vibes, my dudes!

There are a lot of things that I do not understand. About myself or about the world I live in. About the people around me or the cultures that surround me. But I do know that all those things are things of real beauty and immense strength and I plan to immerse myself in it, live it, breathe it and bathe myself in it. I want to write more, eat more, travel more and meet more people. Everything about this is new to me. I’m a fiercely private person but I’m subjecting myself to new experiences in the hope of growing as a person and discovering things that I hope will change my life. And doing this is step numero uno. I know I’m only a tadpole in this world of fishes and dolphins and whales and sharks but I hope to meet a lot of you guys and take you on this ride with me! I really hope this becomes something meaningful and something that makes me glad I did this. Looking forward to becoming a part of this world and meeting and hearing the stories of the people who inhabit it!

AND as far as the type of content I’m going to be putting out I’m just going to go with the flow. Stick around and we can ride the waves together hehe. So yes, that’s me. Ciao for now!


Welcomes the brave tadpole in this Steemit world. Thanks for your creative and honest introduction Ashok, I've enjoyed reading it. 😊 Indeed, let's spread some good vibes !!

Hehe thank you :)

Welcome aboard! I think you will be glad to a part of this platform :) I am!

Thanks I think so too :)

You sound like a genuinely interesting guy and, quite possibly, a writer in the making :) Re: purpose & higher calling, "taking things one day and one step at a time" is a sound approach. I think of these wise words by a poet that I deeply admire, Rainer Maria Rilke:

“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”


Thank you ! I wish I'd read this back when I was coming to terms with it myself though hahaha. Thank you for your kindness I really hope I can live up to it :)

It’s never too late (I’m still benefiting from this insight, at 44 years of age) there are many stages of acceptance and surrender. Wishing you all the best 🙏🏼


HI ly

Welcome @ash4122 . Just keep on steeming.And am also from India😊

hi thank youu yes thats the plan :) hahaha we're birds of a feather

Do join @indiaunited community and the discord channel.You can find more like minded Indians there.

oh I know this chutiya

oh das nice

I think we might have gone to the same shit school

Lmao the world's full of traumatized carmelites

Lmaooooo come at me