Hello Steemit, I'm Aria! I'm a Transhumanist, and this is my first post! :)

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hey! I'm Aria Cheng and this is my first post on Steemit!

I'm really kind of all over the place due to my ADD - so I invite you to try to keep up with me, while I try my best to be coherent as possible! ;)

Can't I not be a Human?

What Can I say about Myself right now?

I'm an Eccentric Freethinking Ideological & Spiritual Transhumanist Artist, Designer, Community-Builder, and Futurist. Oh, I'm also 31 years old, am female, am a first-generation Canadian person of colour, have mental disabilities, as well as a couple physical disabilities as well.

I'm primarily an INTP, but can become an INFJ when in a low-energy depressive state due to comorbidities. Chaotic Good Aquarius, with Pisces rising.
(There's a ton more to me than that, but I will never be happy with what I wrote - so I will just go with that for now.)

What Shall I be Posting on Steemit?

I'm honestly not sure what sort of content I shall be posting here as I have many different passions, and not enough time nor mental health energy (aka, "the spoon theory") to do it all in manner that will enable me to remember to post it here all the time.

However, I will probably post about:

The Transhumanist Party of Canada
Founded in 2014
  • Transhumanism in general;
  • My version of its ideology, and how it plays into my spirituality and view of the world;
  • Mental Health - particularly my mental health - and fighting stigmas;
  • How I came to know of Transhumanism (or, how I've always one);
  • My theories on physics, consciousness, social systems, existence;
  • Futurist predictions;
  • Commenting on socioeconomic issues, etc, and other scientific theories/discoveries/developments;
  • Food and Cooking;
  • My Art, photography, maybe even poems;
  • My projects, branding ideas, photos or compilations of my creative process;
  • Lots of other topics, issues, etc.

However, I do recognize that the more content I post here, the better the community/resource will become, and then the better it gets for everybody... and Steemit may just be the pioneering social media platform that will illustrate what a valued Knowledge-based platform could look like.

What Sort of Subjects am I into?

Robots Without Borders logo
- designed by moi
I've been a longtime follower, and predictor of technology trends and am in constant awareness of the cutting-edge of all R&D in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Medicine). I am interested in, and am passionate about Intersectional Feminism, Public Policy, Governance, Social Change, Women's Empowerment, Communities, Democracy, Inclusivity, Marginalization/Human Rights, Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Technologies, etc.

I have educational background & experience in: IT; Urban Planning, Architectural Drafting; Gender & Queer Theory; Marketing, Entrepreneurship; Retail, Print, & Branding Design; Web Development; Fine Arts (Digital Media, Sculptural, Lithography, Painting, Performance Art).

What Do I Do as a Meatbag?

In my chefwear! I love cooking!

In my daily life, I primarily make a living working as a Line Cook/Chef, but the stressful kitchen life has taken a major toll on my physical health as well as my pre-existing crappy mental health, so since the beginning of the year I've opted to take an easier job so I can finish my Fine Arts Diploma, and Associate of Arts in Social Sciences Degree this year.

I do many things in my free time, but my proudest project achievements are those where I am trying to build communities to lift people up, and into a better quality of life - being an active change-maker in the path to improve the Human Condition. In the past, that has meant building up and establishing physical safe spaces for queer folk, to most recently making efforts to start a federal Political Party. More on that later.

How Did I Discover Steemit? Am I New to the Blockchain?

Honestly, I don't remember. It was sometime back in November 2017. I never got around to doing anything with my account as I was too busy at that time.

My little side business I just started.

Despite the fact that I'm relatively late to the crypto adaptation game, I was actually aware of Bitcoins and Blockchain technology in 2009. I in fact had the opportunity to mine Bitcoins, but didn't get into it because I wasn't familiar enough with Linux, and did not have the energy to pursue that venture. I'm one of those millenials that both remembers what life was like before the Internet was accessible to people at speeds greater than 56.6kbps, but also played with computers since they were toddlers.... but more on that later, as well.

This is as much as I could have the energy to write, so...

Keep Calm, and keep the Steem Engine On!


Welcome to Steemit! It's got a steep learning curve, but it's worth it in the long run if you keep putting in the time! Just know that it will take quite a while before you start getting attention and followers. The secret to success? Keep posting high quality content regularly, and make sure to search out other people's posts, read them, and give relevant comments.

There are also a lot of really good resources out there for minnows (new users). You should check out the following:


Tagging is extremely important. Always make sure to use all five possible tags, and to keep them relevant. You can always just tag something "blog" or "photography" or something else really general (so long as it's still relevant) to fill the quota if you need to- most of your tags should be established ones, though one or two less used ones are fine.

Always make sure to attach a photo to your posts! You should also have a finished profile: Write a description, add a profile picture and a banner- neither needs to be of you, necessarily, but you should have something- and set a website.

And, again, the biggest thing is just patience. Breakout successes are incredibly rare on Steemit- you've got to find your way there through perseverance and hard work. It takes time, but you'll eventually succeed if you put in the work.

Please feel free to repost this guide on the posts of other minnows you run into!

The @OriginalWorks bot has determined this post by @ariahplus to be original material and upvoted it!


To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!

Hi @mountainwashere! :)

Thank you for the tips! I just went back and changed my post's tags to be more relevant to my actual content, versus using broader descriptor tags. I'm thinking of making a new introduction post soon that would expand on my original effort as I feel like there's a lot of things that I didn't really complete as I had originally intended.

Wow, you did an amazing job - especially with the formatting - for your first post!! Kudos!

Hi @kristiannebeil! Thank you. :)

My writing and structure could improve and I feel like I still have to edit some of it... but I suppose it is okay for a first try :) ;p

Hello @ariahplus Welcome on the steemit. You are not to late! Please enjoy your time here an don't forget to post quality content.


Hi @wnfdiary! Thank you for your kind welcome :) I absolutely strive to only post quality content here -- or at the very least, honest and authentic content (if not coherent). ;P

Hi dear.. Nice to meet you here.. Your content is good actually.. Welcome to steemit.. Stay blessed

Hi @biyanoor, nice to you meet you as well. Thank you for that. :)

I posted some questions for you on your post about your fatigue, if you want to answer them.

Welcome to Steemit, @ariahplus!
How I wish I can do as many things, you're very talented!!!

Such is life, dear. We all have our own sets of challenges and difficulties. Play your cards well. AND ENJOY STEEMIT.
All the best! :)

Thank you @feye :)

Talent is one thing. I'm more like a "jill of all trades, master of none". I've dabbled in a lot, but when it comes down to it, I don't really feel like I've accomplished a whole lot in my life. That said, I know I've made a difference, and will continue to strive to do so, and that is all that matters to me :)

Absolutely! It's just a matter of having the drive to be able to push oneself to keep going, and actually having the confidence and mental strength (because sometimes it isn't always available) to persevere. Sometimes that means taking a break for self-care, or in contrast, means pushing ourselves to our limits. But in the end....

...aaand I just lost my thought. But a stoic would say that what has happened in the past, before Now doesn't matter, and it's only the future that we can look towards. :P
