Haloo. All Steemian in wolrd..
I am so happy to see you in this occasion. Well,On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction about who I am. My name is Teuku Aria Pradipta @ari1990
Saya sangat senang bertemu Anda dalam kesempatan kali ini. Nah, Pada kesempatan kali ini, izinkanlah saya untuk melakukan perkenalan tentang siapa diri saya. Nama saya Teuku Aria Pradipta @ari1990
You can call me Ari Or Nopri.
kalian Bisa memanggil saya Teuku Aria Pradipta.
I am the first of three children. I was born in Aceh, 27 Maret 1990. Currently, my family and I live in Dusun T.Raja number 93, Baktiya City, Nanggroe Aceh Daruussalam
I know the steemit from my friend @tejacode and he taught me how to make a post for the first time and he invites me to join the steemit community he says now @steem-ambassador to help newbies like me
For Friends of the World I Speak Thank You For The Help That Steemians Friends Have Been Giving For My Future Please Support And Guidance from Steemians Friends Please Follow, Resteem and Unvote Me In Steemit This.
Untuk Teman Steemians Seluruh Dunia Saya Ucapkan Terima Kasih Atas Bantuan Yang Selama Ini Teman Steemians Berikan Untuk Kedepannya Saya Mohon dukungan Dan Bimbingan dari Teman Steemians Mohon di Follow,resteem dan Unvote Saya Di steemit Ini.
hello bro welcome to steemit...(y)
welcome to steemit
Welcome to Steemit!
Try to get a profile picture and cover image using my tutorial!
I follow you!Nice to meet you @ari1990🙃 https://steemit.com/tutorial/@heiner/how-to-set-your-profile-picture-and-cover-image