A Quite Glimpse of a Newbie's Life : An Introduction!


Good day, Hive! It’s me Max. I’m from the Northern Part of Cebu which is located in the Philippines. I’m already 20 years old. I’m the eldest of three and I want to share a glimpse of my life as my Introduction here on Hive. My life is just truly challenging since my mom departed this world too soon and also my father doesn’t have work, so basically, that means I am carrying such heavy loads on my shoulder, but I still do have high hopes to continue life through achieving my dreams.



Being the eldest means the pressure is on you and that you need to work hard. I already graduated from Senior High School and yet I didn’t proceed to college because of some financial problems, but I do have a plan this year since I already applied admission for college and currently, I am just waiting if I will be accepted and waiting for the schedule of my entrance examination, too. Also, my younger brother will be going to college too and I guess we will be on the same year level God’s willing.

Since I didn’t go to college yet, so I used my time in applying for a job and currently I’m working a contractual job for 3 months in order to help my family with financial needs and also to save up some money for college. I just hope that this year will be our year already and also for the upcoming years. Even though the pressure is on me, it still drives me to work hard and pursue the dreams I want and of course the dreams of my family, too.


Truly, the challenges I’ve mentioned above give me the strong will to pursue what I truly want. It is not only the wants I want to achieve but also the family’s wants. As the eldest of three, I still do have my obligations, so I need to be strong while facing different circumstances in life. I always remind myself that it is okay to be weak, but it is not okay if we just remain to be at our lowest. We need to fight in order to live the life we always want. I always consider these challenges as redirected ways made by our Creator. Maybe the road we want to step on is not the road that God wants us to take, so we just need to trust His plans. I know for sure these challenges mold me more into who I am today and I grew up with a better mindset. This plan is according to what God wants us to do in our lives. Again, it’s okay to be at the lowest, but we must never surrender.



My hobbies and likes are not that many since it was not flourished well because of the struggles I’ve been through these past few years. My mental health goes beyond bad, but that doesn’t mean I was just focusing on the bad, hence I was giving myself the mental therapy it deserves which is reading, scrolling on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, watching English & Korean movies on Netflix and also; I love dogs, beach, and sunset a lot.


Reading some books or even on the internet gives me a therapeutic feeling, since it made me enhance and excel my reading skills and even knowing some different words. This could help develop my skills in reading & writing especially I am still a student who wants to explore and learn different aspects in life. Also, scrolling on social media was one of the happy pills that made my life more interesting during those bad days of my life. Actually, we all know that there are different ideas that could be found on the internet and that could help ourselves to be knowledgeable enough like watching some educational videos on YouTube.


I absolutely love dogs. They are my happy pill. Even though they are not my dogs, I care and love them so dearly. Every time I’m down, they are the ones who take away the pain and sadness I felt. I’m beyond happy if I see them wiggling their tails and that simply means they know you and love to see you visiting them. Truly, they are forever a man’s best friend.


Seeing a beach or smelling a salty air makes me feel calm and it feels surreal. Living in the province and away from beach makes me want to live and build a house near the shore someday. I just can’t explain how breath-taking the view is. It makes me forget my problems for a while. And I believe that’s all we want, right? To live in a peaceful place with no worries and hesitations at all. If only we could just live a life like that, how amazing life will be. As of now, I am keeping on manifesting things like that. I hope someday I could fulfill that dream.


Lastly, sunset never fails to amaze me every time they showed up. They are like the tail of my life since I consider it as a happy pill. In our place, it is rare to see sunsets because of the consecutive gloomy weather we have here. Even though the sunsets rarely showed up, the pictures I have here on my phone puts a smile on my faces and I think that’s what I needed right now.



My blog would be probably random and it is all about my journey here in the world, the problems I have been facing and I will be facing soon, and the solutions that need to be used in order to overcome it all. It is all about my bravery and courage to fight against the odds in life. The exciting things that I will be facing and the journey I will have in my college days if ever I would pass the entrance examination. Also, if I say random things in my journey that means the life I will never expect to happen since we don’t control our individual lives. All I’ve been experiencing would be track and would be given a timeline. Life is short, so let’s cherish every moment by doing memorable and good things.

Honestly, I don’t know how this would work, but my teachers in Senior High School @naymhapz and @callmesmile suggested this in order for me to excel and to develop my writing skills. I love how they believed in me and how they trust me in doing these things. I’m beyond thankful for suggesting a helpful website as a young student like me because with this, I can able to share and motivate other people. Even though how young my age is, I can still be able to contribute such good story and inspiring others to strive well in life. This is a testimony that a person who strives well can probably succeed in the future.

It is really a great privilege to be part in the hive community. I’m super excited to share it all of you and I pray for individual’s health and success in their respective fields in life. Thank you for reading and I’m looking forward to my future blogs and to your future blogs as well. Have a blessed day!


Hey Max! Welcome to Hive!

Hey @cindee08! Thank you for the warm welcome! I appreciate it. 🤍

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you look very beautiful 😍

Thank you @sanach! You look beautiful, too. 🤍

Welcome to hive @aquilaemax! I know you're gonna enjoy here. See u around then and Enjoy your journey here in Hive. God bless

Thank you for the warm welcome @simplechalyns! I will surely enjoy my journey here in Hive. God bless! 🤍

Welcome and again see u around. have a great day😊


Thank you for the warm welcome @marzukibrain! We can be great friends in the future, hopefully! God bless.

sure,We certainly can

I'm glad you're already in this platform @aquilaemax . Welcome to Hive, you will surely grow here. I'm so excited for your next blog. Enjoy blogging!

Thank you for your help & warm welcome @naymhapz! I will surely grow here and thank you for guiding me. I'm so excited to step on this blog. See you then! 🤍

Its nice you here po. Im sure you will love it here and improve yourself! Enjoy your new journey...see you aroun

Thank you @jpatrick28! I will surely love it here and gonna improve myself soon. See you around!

Welcome to Hive, Max. Best of luck to your journey here. I look forward to reading about it.:)

Thank you, @coolmidwestguy! Best of luck on your journey, too. I'm looking forward reading yours and others, too. God bless!

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Welcome to Hive @aquilaemax! I'm so happy that finally you are here! You are in the right place to learn and discover new things. You are one of those students who stood out in class and I know you will develop your love for writing and reading even more here on Hive!

If you have questions please do not hesitate to ask. Subscribe to communities of your liking ad do not forget to follow and engage other bloggers as well.

See you around! Enjoy your hive adventure!

Thank you ma'am @callmesmile! Thank you for believing in me. I will surely learn new things here.

Welcome to the Hive Community! It sounds to me that you are a lot stronger than you realize. I also agree with you about the shore being a very relaxing place. I used to get lost in my thoughts by watching the waves bounce off the jetty.

Thank you for the warm welcome @domgreg! Truly, the shore is a relaxing place. I wish I could live near the shore someday.

Glad to have you onboard Max @aquilaemax. A warm welcome to the Hive family! 😊

Thank you for the warm welcome @storiesoferne! I'm also glad to be here on Hive. See you around and have a blessed day!

Hello @aquilaemax! This is @traciyork from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive and introduced yourself to the community - congratulations and welcome!

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Please be aware that Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog, so it is important not to include content that you don't own without sources (and it shouldn't exceed 50% of the post). For more information, check this post - Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise by hivewatchers.

I'm sure @naymhapz and @callmesmile will continue to help you as you begin your Hive journey, but if you have any questions, feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server and we'll do our best to answer them, and again welcome to Hive!

Thank you for the information @lovesniper! Thank you for the suggestions for me to learn and to grow in this community. This is really helpful as a newbie like me. I am fully aware that this is different from other social media platforms because of the information I got from my teachers. I know they will guide me. I will surely ask questions if there is something I don't understand. Thank you again and have a blessed day!

Welcome to hive! Have an amazing weekend 😊

Thank you @nugwaa! Have a blessed day!

Congratulations!!! I like your post.

Thank you @torrecoin90! I appreciate it.

Hi, max! Welcome to the hive. Life may be tough but just think the other way around. A lot of communities to enjoy here. Keep hiving!

Thank you @selflessgem! Yes life may be tough, but I am tougher. See you around and have a blessed day!

Welcome to Hive!

Thank you for the warm welcome @logicforce!

Welcome to the world of blogging @aquilaemax 😍❤️.

Thank you ma'am @mommyjane!

Welcome sweetie 🥰.

Wow! I am glad that you are here also @aquilaemax. Welcome to hive! Just enjoy and have fun. More blogs to read from you then. Have a blessed day.

Thank you ma'am @amoreyl! Yes, I will. Have a blessed day!

Wow, congratulations Ky!
Welcome to the hive. This platform is an avenue for improvement and learning. Enjoy your stay here and for sure you'll learn a lot. God bless.

Thank you ma'am @missleray! God bless.

You're welcome. ☺️


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Hi Max, happy to see you around. Life can be hard sometimes, but don't forget that God is more powerful than those things. Just rely on Him and ask for help if you needed it. It'll surely be given and granted.

Welcome to Hive. 🥰🤗

Thank you for the warm welcome @mayt! Indeed, God is really powerful. Just keep on praying! God bless! 🤍

Welcome on Hive, Max 🎉

You have a lot of responsibilities, yet you are overcoming it. How strong you are! Just continue with your plans and surely, you will get there.

@callmesmile is really incredible in encouraging people! Haha, nice teacher.

Have some !LUV and !PIZZA


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Welcome to the hive! @aquilaemax I am sure you will have a wonderful journey here!

Thank you for the warm welcome ma'am @dehai! I will surely have a wonderful journey here.

Welcome to HIVE!
Greets from Vienna

Thank you @schmidi!

Welcome to Hive Max! Laban lang ta diring dapita. :) Sad to hear about your mom. But life must go on. Struggles are part of our existence here on Earth. And don't worry things will get better soon.

Enjoy your stay! From Cebu City here. see you around!

Thank you @me2selah! Yes, life really goes on. Good to know you are just from Cebu too. Near but it is quite far. Anyways, see you then! Excited to know you thru this platform! God bless!

:) musta! welcome to hive!

Yes, we must CHERISH..

Hello Max. Welcome diri sa Hive.. Newbie sad ko like you

Thank you and welcome to hive @bigeyes2012! Yay, I just hope we would learn a lot here and discover new things. It's good to know that you are a newbie like me. God bless on your Hive Journey miss!

You're welcome Max. For sure we will learn a lot of different things and we will meet new virtual friends

Welcome here ✨
