Hahah yeah if the bot becomes that big that i can conciser trademarking it or something i do need a different logo. But until then i keep it.. just love the logo and know many others do to ;)
The banner is just a print-screen of my website i don't have a banner for the bot yet but if you are searching to create something you may always help me on a banner ;)
Yes you are very correct. I completely love that logo as it looks so friendly and inviting.
But it is indeed the logo of the Dallas Mavericks.
You need to hire someone from steemit to make you a proper logo
cough me cough
Hahah yeah if the bot becomes that big that i can conciser trademarking it or something i do need a different logo. But until then i keep it.. just love the logo and know many others do to ;)
The banner is just a print-screen of my website i don't have a banner for the bot yet but if you are searching to create something you may always help me on a banner ;)