Thanks, Jon! Glad you enjoyed it!
Yeah, about banyan tree. As I read, it's common for ancient europeans to represent knowledge with only one trunk.
But scientists often say that minds are more a network of multiple core ideas and layers upon layers so a banyan tree is a great analogy I suppose :)
A few years ago I read about a forest that was actually a connected root system so wasn't really individual trees but a large colony/hive organism. This true story reminded me of a sci-fi book where a scientist gave herself a version of turrets and created an organic ai that worked on virus, mold and bees. And recently have been hearing how our digestive bacteria is linked to our cognitive state and health. I have a 17 year old and have had many discussions on how the flux of hormones will skew his thinking randomly and intensely. So one of my thoughts is how we integrate the upcoming digital mind meshing technologies with our complex and intertwining biological systems.
Yes I know those were a deluge of semi-random snippets of ideas but I sense a pattern that will play heavily in future exploration of conscience.....
I think we'll fast but gradually come there. You might enjoy watching Ray Kurzweil videos where he describes the process of integrating our biological systems with digital worlds.
Every information technology has an exponential evolution instead of linear one so I think we will figure it out soon using computers as tools of comprehending.
BTW, if you like sci-fi, you might enjoy reading Blindsight by Peter Watts - mind-blowing book with several pretty heavy twists.
Thanks I am always trying to find new authors