Another Joe Jumps on the Steem Boat!

in #introduceyourself8 years ago (edited)

Howdy Folks,

It's been a while since I poked my head around the blogosphere, and all the old forums I used to frequent don't seem to have access anymore. So I haven't been jumping into the fray as much as I used to. But maybe now I can get a head of Steem going here!

So what's up with the rhino? I don't know. When I was playing around with a handle I just found some rhino pics that I liked and BAM!, there it was. This one cracks me up, sorta like, "Whatchu lookin' at?" I found out later that it's a female though... hehe, well, most of you didn't know that, so I'm good. Here's a more manly one to save face!

Heh, pretty studly, eh?

Why "Another Joe"?

Because, really, I am. I'm just a guy like the rest of you, trying to figure things out, thinking I got something figured out, then finding out that something about what I figured out wasn't really what I thought it was so I need to go back to trying to figure it out. Right? I know you can relate, even if you won't admit it.

On the other hand, who wants to be average? Of course I'm not just another average Joe. No, there's more to me than that. And I absolutely abhor the status-quo. Besides, the url was taken, so I went for the silly long one, That was years ago though, and where I started cutting my teeth on blogging, stretching my legs into Austrian economics and libertarian (see the small "L") thought and really started down the slippery slope of what I later learned was anarchy. 

A li'l history

I got into the Crypto world a little slower than I wish. Of course, I can kick myself for it. Balancing my options with a little cash in my hands, I was trying to decide what to do. I wanted to go speculative, already having some precious metals. What to do? What to do? A friend calls, "Hey Joe, have you heard of the Iraqi dinar?" Hrmmm, no, I hadn't. About the same time I'm reading some Berwick feller say that Bitcoin is going to be the new rave. Of course, we've heard that hype before. So, what did I do? Naturally, I set up a Bitcoin wallet and bought dinars. So, talk about missing out on a nice windfall. Don't ask me why I didn't at least do some of both? I ask myself the same question all too often. Boat missed = Ugh... Thanks anyway Jeff.

Later I did manage to make a few bucks off BTC by flipping it through LocalBitcoins, but kick myself for missing that boat. I did get on the ETH boat though, which is pretty cool. It's not big enough to make much difference now, but the potential is there. Of course, I jumped on the DAO, and got dumped off shortly after. And now I'm checking out Steem.

Jumpin' on the Steem boat!

What I really like about this is how all of us can work together to provide value in so many ways. Of course, we can write articles, encourage each other in that regard and teach and learn a ton from one another. But we can also make a few bucks doing it, together, talking about it and stuff. That, to me, really rocks. 

I really dig precious metals (metaphorically). And I look forward to sharing a few ideas here in upcoming articles, maybe even my next one. The timing would probably be pretty good. Hey, check out my really novice graphics skillz.

Okay, enough about me...

Haha, not really! Just a bit more about me, okay? In a nutshell, you could say that I'm unapologetically conservative (from a traditional perspective), liberal (from a classic historical perspective), complementary (from a gender perspective), Austrian (from a socioeconomic perspective), anarchist (from a political perspective), libertarian (from a social perspective), Christian (from a religious perspective) and, thus, contrarian (from a don'-wanna-be-a-lemming perspective). 

I've been blessed to work with a few folks write some articles, learn a ton and see some pretty cool places (though not nearly enough). Some may have seen me in International Man forums (where'd they go?) as well as the forums on The Dollar Vigilante (can't seem to get in there anymore either). My articles have been published under different names on The Dollar Vigilante (Hi @dollarvigilante), Casey Research (linked article not mine), Hard Assets Alliance, various precious metals blogs and newsletters, Seeking Alpha (editor's pick on this one), Motley Fool and probably a couple of other places I either forget or won't admit. I even set up an AJ facebook page that I never really used, though I might post Steemit articles there now. :) 

Let's hook up!

Besides Jeff, other friends here that I'm aware of include @emancipatedhuman, @piedpiper, (part of) @steemsmart and.... dangit, that's all I can think of. Help a feller out! If we're friends, PUHLEEZE let me know in the comments so I can follow you. Then we can hang out on the Steem boat... or even the savanna. We'll be regular Joes in on Steemit, but never average!

Super excited. Gonna have some fun. Let's get a head of Steem going. Let's rock the world!

Another Joe


anotherjoe? I read your above article to see who you were and what your background was. It was very informative. In any event, Rigaronib directed me to contact you, because, unbeknownst to me, someone published one of my Steemit posts on SteemitNews.Online whose web address is at despite that my post is copyright-protected. Is SteemitNews.Online a branch of Steemit? The copy of my post on that website has a sentence at the bottom of it that reads "Read on Steemit!" that links to my actual article. However, is this a regular arrangement that SteemitNews.Online has with Steemit? I just need some answers, because whenever I see that an article or post of mine has been copied or duplicated elsewhere on the Internet without my knowledge or consent, alarms go off in my head.

Howdy epicenterdefacto. Thanks for reaching out. You have very legitimate questions.
When you post on the blockchain, it becomes a part of the blockchain. As you can see, the link on SNO points folks to your content on Steemit, currently, providing an opportunity for them to upvote. As it stands, SNO receives no compensation whatsoever from this service.
You'll be interested to know that your content on the blockchain is available to any site servicing that blockchain. It is not copyright protected on Steemit, per se, but only on the blockchain. As long as you are receiving credit, the content can be shared on any blockchain based site.
The reason this is important is because eventually there will be more sites built on the blockchain than Steemit. Steemit will simply become one of many sites on the Steem blockchain. Your content may or may not appear in many locations as a result.
I suppose this may bring up a conundrum, if individuals do not want their content on other blockchain based sites. But, to my knowledge, if you put it on the blockchain then there is no legal ground to limit it to one blockchain based site, other than that you must receive proper credit.
We are revamping our site so that folks can log in and upvote your content directly. But, for now, that's not functional. All we're able to do is point them to your article on Steemit. If your article is featured, it is also presented on our social channels, providing additional exposure. If, for some reason, you do not want your articles promoted on SNO, please provide a specific link and I can delete it.
In the future, we may be able to block specific writers if they request it. And we may only publish those who post from our site. But for now neither functions are possible. We're hoping to have the new site up within a couple of weeks, which will provide the ability to post from it. Let me know if you're interested in being promoted by posting directly on SNO. There are some perks that come with it.

So, in other words, it's kind of like when publishes one of their authors' articles on a sister site of theirs like Okay. I got it. Thank you for the heads-up.

I think so, though I'm not familiar with their structure. In this case, it's a sort of competition, eventually. For instance, if you post on SteemNews.Online, then SNO gets a portion of the payout. I'm not sure what happens if you get upvotes on SNO, whether you posted from there or Steemit. We're still figuring stuff out.
We do plan on promoting our authors though, upvoting with our accounts and sending the articles out on our social channels. So it's a different animal in many ways. You may be interested in posting from there. When you see the site change, let us know if you're interested.

anotherjoe? I apologize for not responding to you sooner. In your previous reply, you asked me to let you know if I was interested in being promoted by posting directly on SteemitNews.Online. You told me that there were some perks that come with it. If I were to post directly on SteemitNews.Online, could I still be upvoted and accumulate money the same way I do on Steemit? I'd be interested in knowing how writers on SNO are compensated as compared with Steemit itself. Also, if you read any of my articles on Steemit, you will notice that I publish articles about some extremely controversial topics. One of the reasons that I joined Steemit was because they are more lenient about people publishing articles on controversial topics than other platforms are. (e.g. Hubpages and Infobarrel). Does SteemitNews.Online have any guidelines that Steemits does not have that I need to know about that would prevent me from publishing any article that is highly controversial? Post me back when you get a chance. Thank you.

Hey, thanks for getting back with me.
A couple of thoughts:

It looks like your writing is more OpEd than just news.
Some editing could spruce your articles up. Most specifically, if they're broken up into more paragraphs it's easier on the eyes.
It's a good idea to write a series when articles are long. It helps to build anticipation and in our soundbite era folks tend to glaze over after about 800-1200 words. A great writer can hold attention longer, but few of us can do that consistently.

The first one is the only one that might affect writing for SNO. SNO is a news site, which needs to avoid reflecting biases as much as possible. Obviously an opinion piece doesn't accomplish this.

FWIW, I agree with your perspective on most of what you have to say. We do want to do an OpEd site. SNO is just our first one built on the blockchain.

Our writers will receive our upvote, which is not negligible. For now, SNO gets 25% of the payout while authors get 75%. When we get a full-time GE, it'll change to 25% for the GE and marketing and 50% for the authors, with the GE having the authority to share from his/her 25%. At least that's the general idea.
The articles end up posted on Steemit right now anyways. It may be that Steemit will block them someday. There's no way for us to know. The site's still under construction, so we're not doing anything just yet. But there are ways for you to be able to post from the site now, to get a little behind-the-scenes peek.
This is similar to Steemit's recently announced idea for their communities. It's just that we've been pursuing it for almost a year now.

Look me up in Discord, if you'd like to talk. I'm Joe. :)

anotherjoe? Yeah, I realize that in my posts here on Steemit, I inject a few opinions of mine here and there into my articles upon reporting news events. Trying to report purely from an impartial standpoint is a rarity these days among journalists. News agencies like MSNBC, CNN, Headline News, The Washington Post, and The New York Times tend to have a liberal slant, whereas other news agencies like Fox News tend to have a conservative slant. The only TV journalists who really adhere to the principle of unbiased reporting are the ones on "60 Minutes." Of course, that television news series has been in existence since 1968, so it is only to be expected that it will be held to a higher standard than other news entities in that regard. I appreciate your constructive criticism about my writing. I agree that the key to success in putting out an exceptional article online is chopping the paragraphs into smaller ones. That's not always an easy thing to do, but I've been attempting to discipline myself in that respect.

I think that the major downside with Steemit is that they only give us 7 days to change anything in a post or article that we publish on their site, whereas other writing platforms do not impose any such time limits. I recently discovered that I was supposed to have italicized the name of this one publication in my first series of posts here on Steemit; but by the time that I caught my typographical errors in that respect, it was too late for me to do anything about it.

I haven't had as much time to write anything inasmuch as my day job has been requiring a lot of overtime hours out of me lately, and I become easily tempted by the money whenever my employer offers me to work extra hours. That is the reason why it takes me longer than normal to respond back to you. Anyhow, I will go ahead and look you up in Discord once I get a little more free time. What you described to me concerning the compensation plan for SNO was quite interesting. And, yes, I am one to remain open to any suggestions that could help me spruce up my writing. Whenever I see some of the stuff that people post on YouTube, even in their descriptions below their videos, it gets me worrying where the entire English language is headed. It is disturbing to think that when we both get past 90 years old decades from now, we may not even be able to understand what anyone younger than 20 years old is saying whenever we see them speaking on television news shows. I'm happy to know that there are still people like you on the Internet who take pride in how the English language is written and spoken.

i m just another average joe too, now figuring out how to get into notanotheraveragejoe =)

i regret not stepping into btc too when i first took a trading course in 2011 and hear about btc. After that bought some stock and options, man why didn't i buy some btc too.

will you be posting some trade analysis on steemit soon =) ?

btw looking back 2 yrs ago, you got in the right boat for steemit ! awesome

Heh, someone actually read this old intro! :)

If I post market analysis to the Steem blockchain, it'll be from TIMM.

I got into a few boats running up into Steem. It's been a good ride. Thanks for commenting. :)

looking forward to that =)
oh what are the other boats that you ride on ?

Haha, well, ETH was nice. I caught XRP (even though it's anathema to most cryptopundits), and it treated me well. Still like STEEM, but I think EOS is the next big runner among the big guns.

Hey Joe! Just wanted to let you know that my new post we talked about, "The 40 anarchists you want to follow on Steemit!", is up, and you're on the list :-) You can find it here

Awesome! Thanks Kenny. Great work. I just got done reading and expanding my feed.

Good to see you here... I see a lot of emphasis placed on getting whales and curators onboard each of our boats, and I think there's a bit of not seeing the forest for the trees going on. Cream will rise to the top, and all that. I suspect, after the initial hullabaloo, whales and curators won't be as critical. Those with a good message and better delivery will succeed. At least, that is sort of what needs to happen if Steem is to become a self-sustaining phenomenon. I can easily see it co-opting Flakebook after it gets past a certain tipping point.

Thanks @andyfx. I edited it yesterday. Didn't make much of a splash, did I?

LOL I think we're all learning our way around. And, hey! I read it, and so did at least 29 other people just going by the upvotes. Rinse, lather, repeat.

haha, yeah. I thought it was a good intro. So did @booger. :) But she's my friend and laughs at everything.
Ah well, looks like it'll time out in about 45 min if it doesn't get some love. Working on number two now.

Still struggling to understand the timeouts and whatnot. Maybe that should be your next post. :)

Thinking I might write a post asking for critique of this one. :)

glad to have you here, brother. i appreciate you

Thanks Luis! I can call you Luis, can't I? ;)

Hi Joe! What a great article . Thanks, you had me laughing this morning. I needed the break from organizing music on an iPod. Horrible work .
I wish a rhino would just step into my living room and stomp on my computer so I have a good excuse not to finish. It's almost over anyway and it's for a couple of folks who are just great human beings.
I'll be looking forward to more articles. Hasta la vista, Lourdes

Thanks for he encouragement Lourdes! It sure didn't make a big splash on Steemit, for some reason. We'll see how it goes.

Hello Joe! Welcome my friend!

Luke!! Howdy. Gotcha followed now. I wasn't sure how to look you up, with all your aliases and all. Thanks!