as of May 5th 2016, the ELM System had $101,781.15 worth of currency in circulation with $975,603.85 worth of transaction volume over the last year
Interesting that your money velocity was greater than 9 and for the USD it is less than 2.
as of May 5th 2016, the ELM System had $101,781.15 worth of currency in circulation with $975,603.85 worth of transaction volume over the last year
Interesting that your money velocity was greater than 9 and for the USD it is less than 2.
How are you calculating these numbers? I'm not see how I gave you the data you need to calculate our USD velocity.
USD velocity comes from the Federal reserve:
Oh, I thought you were talking about the velocity of USD in our community, not the velocity of USD nationally. Yes, our velocity is much higher because it doesn't make sense for people to hold a lot of our local currency in savings. It would create a lot volatility in our small money supply that could cause a liquidity problem.