Hi Steemit, I'm that teen who confronted Nancy Pelosi!

Hey, my name is Andrew! I'm 18 years old, and I live in Cleveland, Ohio. In December of 2012, I began posting political commentaries to my YouTube channel TeenTake. The intention was to create a time capsule of videos so that, in the future, I could reflect back on the evolution of my political views. But never would I had imagined the doors and opportunities soon to be opened for me...

My confrontation with former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi truly launched me into the media spotlight; resulting in interviews with Neil Cavuto, Alex Jones, Abby Martin, Jeff Berwick, etc. To be honest, I almost didn't question Pelosi about her support of the NSA and its warrantless wiretapping. I didn't want to ruffle any feathers on Capitol Hill. However, I soon realized that I had made the right choice of uploading the awkward encounter when my mom and grandma respectively replied, in response to watching the video, "Think twice before posting. I hope you live until you're 18." (Hey grandma, I made it!)

There's a corrupt, complex backstory to how I actually met Nancy Pelosi, though. (If you wanna hear the whole thing, let me know!) Anyway, here's the simplified version: C-SPAN hosts an annual documentary contest for high school students, and my entry about GMOs won first prize. Long story short, C-SPAN flew me out to Washington D.C. to film an interview... and to take advantage of some photo ops with Pelosi.

But enough about her! I've also asked – or have at least attempted to ask until I was ignored or otherwise shut down – tough questions of Barack Obama, Ann Coulter, Sen. Marco Rubio, Dr. Ben Carson, John McAfee, Fran Drescher, the Westboro Baptist Church, and others. Similar to what Rahm Emmanuel once said (though hopefully less maliciously), I never put a good encounter with a polarizing, high-profile political figure to waste!

So, let me wrap things up here! I'll be attending and majoring in journalism at George Washington University this fall in the nation's capital. I'm so excited not only to move to a new city, but also to be "up close and personal" with those influencing the future of our country and our world. Just imagine all the opportunities in which I'll be able to ask more tough questions of even more important people!

I look forward to interacting with you all and sharing more of my stories! Trust me, there are many...


God damn I love Steemit :D Look at at these awesome, badass people who are being brought together in one place!

I just said about the same thing to my mom after first browsing the intro post of the 19-year-old fashion blogger and then this 18-year-old political activist.

We are witnessing something special here :)

We live in amazing times! :-)

Isn't it so beautiful? :-)

Most definitely, my good man. I remember watching that video several years ago and thinking I hadn't seen her look so look so befuddled and caught off guard since her interview with Jan Helfeld.

How did it go afterward, by the way? I just watched the video again and noticed that you were getting the stinkeye from some of your colleagues there. Was it an awkward ride back home? :D

Thankfully, I just retreated to the hotel afterward! I'll save the whole backstory of C-SPAN's lies and attempted censorship for a future post. ;-)

Listen I want to wish you all the best in your new endeavor and yes I agree with your mother and grandmother that you must be careful. Please do not stop being vigilant and holding politician's feet to the fire. Good luck.

That was a ballsy move. Nice work. I recall seeing the video previously. My favourite part is what's going through her mind at the beginning when she's stumbling through her words obviously trying to figure out who this kid is with the gonads to confront her on her own turf.

Curiously enough, I'm an introvert! But I soon realized that it was a "once in a lifetime" opportunity. I could either speak up and ask her a legitimate question, or stay silent and regret it for the rest of my life.

Good on You! She just gets to brush it off though....not right

Oh, the things I would've done to have been a fly on the wall in the minutes after our group left her office...

any bits of knowledge you could pass along???_along_the_blockchain

Any bits of knowledge specifically regarding what?

You are very welcome here! Great to have you.

Many thanks for the warm welcome!

Hi DP! ❤️❤️❤️

Cleveland in the house! Welcome to Steemit, Im right down from you Downtown Lorain!

Hey! Were you at the RNC?

RNC doesn't ring a bell. Just in the heart of the city downtown I am, By the Lake!

Upvote for you. Keep on keepin on.

Thank you! Keep an eye out for my new story coming out in a few hours. ;-)

Nice to meet you, Welcome to steemit and great job holding the corrupted politicians accountable. This is how we change the world.

Peace and Prosperity, Andrew. :-)

Peace to you, too! If you're interested, I just published a new post. :-)

Welcome! :D

Thanks so much! Very excited to see what becomes of this platform.

You've got ball bro! Love it.

Much appreciated, brother! Follow me so you'll get updates when I publish the backstory (involving censorship) later this afternoon.

Take care brother and be courageous to confront everyone that is working against you!

Andrew, how fun! I'm family with your Aunt Jen, Dave's daughter in law. Don't worry, I am not a Trump supporter. haha. Anyhow, keep kicking ass.

Such a small world! Good to hear you haven't fallen into that trap, lol.


Very nice.

One thing to remember when you confront these so-called "important people", is that they put their pants on one-leg-at-a-time, just like you and I do.

Exactly! They're not as powerful and monolithic as they might seem.

Good job... need more people willing to stand up and make lawless people answer our questions and expose their lack of integrity..

Thank you! Job security is definitely assured in this business of confronting corrupt leaders.


Welcome to Steemit! We need more folks like you!

Thanks so much! Make sure to check out my newest story. ;-)

Fantastic exposure. I'm sure you will do well in journalism. Make sure you apply at Fox News that confrontation with Nancy Pelosi will get you hired.

Neil Cavuto already interviewed me on his show! Then again, I don't think I could ever work for Fox News.

Thank you for at least questioning all politicians and pundits, and not just the Republicans.

Absolutely! Trump makes it a difficult job, though.

great more and more popular and interesting people in Steemit!

We're just missing Ron Paul!

Pelosi is pathetic...

I almost felt bad for her.

I am watching your interview with McAfee now. Good work. Glad to have you here. I kind of wish McAfee would have been nominated as Libertarian presidential candidate. I think that would have been VERY interesting. I like Gary Johnson, but McAfee makes me laugh and smile, and unlike Trump I am not laughing because he said something stupid.

I texted McAfee last night telling him to join Steem!

Excellent, I'd love to see him be part of this community. He's a smart guy and doesn't have a problem with speaking his mind. When he speaks his mind it's usually not too far out there either. :)

I like him. I hope he joins.

You give me hope that not every teen is graduating a brainwashed statist!! KUDOS!!!!

I try! Thanks!

Still learning this system - tried to vote your comment - it is not working..my apologies, but thank you again!

I am so grateful for a platform which rewards strength of character, persistence and self-belief to rise to the top. Thank you Andrew for you!

You're so kind! Thank you.

As a mom I approve! But you already know you don't need OUR approval. 😈😈