Hello Steemers. I've chosen Mark Zukerbergs birthday to officially quit Facebook forever and introduce myself on Steem!


Hello SteemLand

Today is Mark Zuckerbergs 33rd Birthday, and I'm no longer going to his party.

I want to be clear, I've nothing personal against MZ. He's done a great job, effectively creating the worlds leading social media platform. But he blew it. Facebook could have been an incredible force for democratic, censorship-free commentary, anything but the giant, and now basically shite-boring money machine and ad-content drivel that it's become (at least on my wall anyway).

So today, I announce with great joy that I will be dumping my facebook page, on MZ's birthday, and effectively not going to his parties ever again, in the style of a passive-aggressive 13 year old snubbing his former best mate for snogging Kathryn Turner on the field at dinner break. (that was a very tough day, but one which I have happily put behind me).

I've been here a few weeks already and made some posts, done a few comments, turned a few friends onto it, and generally played about with Steemit. And I'm seriously excited. This to me feels like home. I see that I'm amongst my sort of people.... I've not seen so many discordians, AnCaps, CypherPunks and general sociological-control-grid rebels in one place.

So I thought it was about time to do a proper introduction and tell you who I am and what I'm thinking about bring to the site.

I'm from the UK, from what is often referred to as "Gods Own Country" by the locals (and "that grim northern place where they're as tight as bats arses" by just about everyone else). Yes, I'm referring to Yorkshire. Home of two days of warm sunshine every year, but a brilliant place for a wind turbine and a water butt.

I live right at the start of the Pennine hills in the Colne Valley. It's one of the loveliest places in the UK (in my opinion) and that's saying something. colnevalley.jpg

I'm 42 (can you believe it from my youthful appearance and smashing skin) and rather than define myself by the job that I do (which is hard because I do so many things, it's impossible to define any of them) I always like to ask three questions of everyone I meet, and I find the answers are very telling, especially when people begin to self edit.

Who are you.....what do you do.....why are you really here....?

    So who am I?

I'm a being known by the name of Dylan to my friends and family. I'm daddy to my little girl Amber (3 and a half) and husband to Gemma (for the time being...until she runs off with Jeremy, the milkman with Tourettes, as she keeps telling me she's going to do) IMG_5820.JPG ---That's us. Referred to as "The three bears" by people who know us---

I'm a brother to three lovely sisters, and one step brother, a son, step-son, uncle, cousin and friend to some really cool people. I'm a man on a journey, one which takes me into many different (and often colliding/opposing) worlds, from Quantum Physics to Shamanic practices, from philosophy to psychedelics, from economics to noetics, and back again, with a spot of music production thrown in for good measure.

What do I do?

Like most people, I am still plugged into the matrix of the world, and as such have to find ways to accumulate money to buy things for me and my family. For the last few years, I've been teaching a whole range of psychological techniques to people, mostly in businesses and universities. I've been a hardcore techie, having founded a couple of ICT companies, and the last proper job i had (ie one with a boss) was as a sysadmin for one of the UK's top New Media agencies back in the early 2000's.

I also do music, and have my own recording setup. It's mostly used by our little collective of musicians, known as Kalliste. Our sound is best described as contaminated hiphop, because we take different genres and mash them up using proper classically trained musicians to do a totally different sound.

We do things like this: https://soundcloud.com/kallistemusic/opus

Now I teach people about blockchain, cryptocurrency and emerging technology. Oh and why the economic system is a stagnant ponzi-scheme perpetuated by Psychopaths to enslave humanity. Which always goes down well with corporate CEO's.

Why am I really here?

I've spent a long time thinking about answering this question now. And I think the answer is this:

When I was a kid, I remember my dear, departed nan tell me that "you can't make a living doing the things you love."
Just take that in. For so long, I think these words have unconsciously held me back. I am one of the best musicians and producers I know, and could easily have had a career in music, but somehow always managed to sabotage it for myself. I am a born performer, and love nothing more than playing to an audience, whether it's public speaking or playing bohemian rhapsody in a kind of extra-exuberant john shuttleworth style. And for as much as I love and respected my nan....she was DEAD WRONG.

I discovered blockchain, and realised it was the future. Now I've discovered STEEM, I know i've found a place where my thoughts are not only immutable, but also valued. Not like on facebook, where getting a couple of likes is wonderful, but zuckerberg makes the bucks. I mean really valued...by real people. As a musician, I've always felt it was important to buy my tools, not just get the latest cracked copy for free. Because someone spent their time, energy, money, passion, Qi making this, and not just making it ok, but making it really cool. And they deserve to get rewarded, both in kudos, karma and currency.

And I love the credo of this place. It seems like a spot where everyone's opinion is ok, even if you disagree with them, the whole ecosystem just FEELS NICER.


There's so much I can talk about. I have lots to say, on so many topics. They are going to be my words, the structure of my world. I reserve the right to be wrong sometimes. I reserve the right to change my mind, and backtrack. I reserve the right to say something that someone will choose to be offended by. in return, I promise never to tell anyone they are wrong. I promise to respect your model of the world, even if I fundamentally disagree with it. I will never tell you what you should do. If I get offended by anything you say, I recognise that it's my stuff to deal with, not yours.

Here's some of the things I'm going to post about:



This stuff has changed my life. I think pretty much everyone who is here on the day I joined already gets it. I trade serious amounts of money (mine and others) on exchanges, and I will give thoughts on it as I go. I also teach this stuff to people who have never heard about it, and encourage them to start looking at, investing in, and seeing how the blockchain can work for them in their world.



I've spent a lot of my adult career as one of the most sought after Psychotherapists in the north of England, mainly because I got results nobody else could get. And I never once used any drugs (well not on my patients anyway)



We're one of those families that believes in unschooling, attachment parenting and doing things as naturally as possible. And I'll be coming at it from the point of view of a natural parenting dad.



My thoughts on human evolution, where we are going, and specifically how we get rid of the status quo which is destroying the world.


If you like what you see, please comment, upvote, resteem my posts. You can bet I will do the same for you. Let's all be part of what I suspect will be the most interesting ecosystem on the web as it evolves and grows. I feel honoured to be part of it, at such an early stage.

As we say in Yorkshire....aye, lets all have a right old do.

Love, light and laughter to you all
The AnarcoTech

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Hello there blue eyes family! :) welcome aboard to steem ! enjoy the ride , and just use FB to get more ppl on steem ! this is what im doing!

Thanks.although ive actually got green eyes, i guess my girls blue offsets my own.x

Welcome to Steemit!

Looks Like. This is an OFFICIAL WELCOME !!!
Because every Welcomes are SPECIAL....

Hi Mark. Welcome to Steemit. Great intro. Stephen

Awesome Mark! I was just thinking today - "I wonder if Facebook and other social media platforms are worried about Steemit? They should be!"

daaang dude, this is an excellent intro.


re: quitting Facebook... have you ever been on Minds.com? it's no Steemit, but a FB alternative that's been gaining some attention lately.

as diving deeper into blockchain, I'd recommend checking out Don & Alex Tapscott's book, "Blockchain Revolution" - excellent stuff. love how well they survey the landscape and clearly articulate all the ways this tech is primed to change things - and actually rather cool how it's not from an anarchist anti-system perspective, but more professional in how it's going to upgrade "the matrix" to higher functionality - so as to preserve the best of what the system has to offer, while doing away with alot of the corruption. check it out.

welcome to the party, and hope you enjoy the ride... ;-)

Cheers dude. I have a stack of learning going on right now....one more to add! X

Hi man! Welcome to steemit!

hello @anarcotech welcome to steemit 😁

Thanks dude. I feel welcome here

lol - I hope he will survive now :-)

welcome to Steemit! Im also from the uk an this was a great introduction :) well done for actually leaving mz on his birthday lol

Facebook is so out-of-date....
The era of Steemit has come !!

Hey Dylan, great intro! Welcome to Steem :-)

Thanks demotruk

Welcome to steemit. Have fun!

Thank you!

Welcome to steemit @anarcotech I am very happy to be friends with you in steemit, I come from aceh and I am very hobby to walk and take pictures in beautiful places and historic.

Great choice of date :)

Haha. Yes. Well i was hoping it might be terence mckennas or robert anton wilsons birthdays. Theyd have loved steemit

Great intro! Will you be posting any content regarding Psychology? If so, I'm looking forward to it! You also have a great family, will be following!

Thanks dude. Yes. I certainly will. Please watch this space!

Yay, yet another interesting person on Steemit. I loved your intro and am going to follow you. 😀

Amazing introduction! I'm already engaged and following! Welcome aboard and I hope to read more from you soon! :)

Welcome to Steemit!

I'm also new to this community and had to tell you, also in love with it. It's full of people who want to grow, people who are so nice and willing to help other to grow. If there's a type of utopical world one could live in it may look a like like this.

Mark my words:

Your are going to succeed here!

you are all over so many interesting topics that are usually valued in steemit!

Its nice to be in a place where people dont think youre bonkers because these are important things to you. Had a conversation with my wife yesterday and she was saying how left out she sometimes feels as a natural parent because we dont get invited to mainstream kiddie gatherings.its because mainly other parents feel weird around things like brestfeeding toddlers, and being attentive to the kids instead of sitting around with the other parents drinking. But I sort of feel already in a space full of folks who if they dont do that themselves, at least they respect it.

Welcome to Steemit @anarcotech

Nice of you to join us, it is a honour having you on this platform.

You can participate in the 50 Word Story Contest for new steemians for a chance to win Big.

Think i will do that. The challenge is.condensing to 50 words. I like words

Welcome to this wonderful place, Dylan! I loved your intro!

Thanks goldenroom.

Welcome to Steemit!! I have followed you. Please follow me back. Thank you!!

Hey welcome! ha ha awesome post! im gonna follow just cause i loved the introduction! happy steeming

Cheers ryanrizz. Im excited to be here

Hello and welcome to Steemit Dylan! Greet intro, I'm sure you will enjoy the platform and it's lovely community!

Thanks daisyd

@anarcotech, welcome to steemit. You will do fantastic here. I am familiar with unschooling, shall we say, and I'd love to hear more on the topic. Fantastic intro post, by the way

Welcome to steemit! I also found the site because of a AnCap friend a long time ago and just recently realized the potential! Steem on!

Welcome to Steemit, @anarcotech

Awesome!!! Welcome!

Hi Dylan @anarcotech. So glad you are here on Steemit. Really looking forward to reading your posts.

Welcome to the platform and what a wonderful family! Let's work together to breakdown all status quos.

Hello Dylan, welcome to Steem! :-)

Happy belated birthday and welcome to Steemit. You're gonna love it here as much as we're gonna love having you here. KUDOS!

Wow! Insightful intro. I was conditioned that same way your nan conditioned you. It did not serve me well. Maybe it did....I leanrned from those mistakes, but back when I "woke up" I was pissed at the people in my life who told me how things are "supposed" to be done. I'm over that now. I am going to follow you.

Hahaha nice read. I did the same. Here my reasons: https://steemit.com/facebook/@spluff/why-i-left-facebook

Welcome on board agent!

Great choice of a day to leave FB! Interesting post. Steem on!

welcome aboard!

Fantastic intro post. I'm pretty new as well but welcome to "Steemland" :)

Welome (Home) to Steemit! It's a pleasure to share this journey with you :)

Bright Blessings & Reiki Love!

I like you style. Welcome on!

Hey Mark, fellow Brit :)

Good for you.

"The meaning of life, the universe and everything..." -- The Hitchhicker's Guide to The Galaxy

Welcome to Steemit

Hi Dylan

Great intro! I'm following :)

Awesome intro, looking forward to your future posts @anarcotech

Awesome post Dylan. Funny, sensible, entertaining, informational all at the same time. Now when I think of my introductory post 2 days back (I am also newbie here), I am laughing on it. Followed you, would be reading more of you.

Welcome, upvotted & following

Welcome to the light side! Give us some pointers on parenting. That is always appreciated!

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