My name is Joe Beck - Anarcho-Capitalist, Non-Voter, photographer, and political-economic news junkie. I joined Steemit to get back into the writing game and make some sweet, sweet crypto! Being in a community of like-minded folks is great and if you can make a few digital dollars while you're at it...well, damn...that's pretty cool too. Thanks to the @dollarvigilante, @emancipatedhuman , and @sterlinluxan for bringing Steemit to my attention!
I do mostly landscape photography (among other things) for's an early morning sunrise from the Cumberland Plateau:
After a few years of being a part of the Liberty Movement and a handful of experiences with altered states of consciousness, I have come to this conclusion: Peacefully dissolve governments, end the war on drugs, allow free market forces to rehabilitate society with teaching/healing plants, and then profit! One of my favorite authors is Graham Hancock - I just finished his book Supernatural: Meetings with the Ancient Teachers of Mankind which opened my eyes to the incredible history of humans all over the world using sacred plants to communicate with other realms and learn from them. If I could be a shaman, I would!
I've previously written for the and - some of my articles have been featured on and That was during the Ron Paul 2012 campaign and I haven't published anything since. Why? I've been working on myself personally and professionally for the past few years and haven't taken the time to write even though I am always thinking about it. It was the great Ron Paul that brought me into the realm of liberty...right about the time I was starting to figure out the government lied to everyone about 9/11.
So about the lovely girlfriend has been begging me to get a trim - I typically put it off for as long as I can, but it was getting to be ridiculous.

Getting there....when the lady came home...I think the word "horrible" was used a few times, so she helped clean it up.

Forgot to mention my love for growing my own food. Here's a shot of the raised beds :)
Thank you to the developers and the entire Steemit community for creating something so wonderful!
Haha...great haircut...and great garden. Me and my husband grow a veggie garden in Mexico. So much fun and good eating. I see you have raised beds. Healthy looking corn and peppers. I'll keep an eye out for all gardeners.
Thank you Angel! I have plans for more raised beds soon - sounds like a good idea for a Steem blog post! The ground here in this part of southeast Tennessee is a bunch of clay and rocks so we went for multiple raised beds. I have to give tomatoes away - made my own sauce and still had 50 left over!
How did you put together this nice presentation? I can't seem to get pics on my posts. The time I used the online image storage it just shows the link. I'd love to put out a little garden story but don't know how. Do you use a formatting program?
I had to dehydrate a bunch of tomatoes and put them in jars with basil, garlic and olive oil. It lasts forever.