
Oct 9, 1992
Right in the middle of Libra season.
Although I like to believe that I have developed to be a formula of all signs, just with most of my weight being towards Libra’s aspects.

I just looked up your chart, you have pisces moon, scorpio mercury and venus and and cancer mars.. you are pretty much more water energy than libra lol, I guess we are similar since my entire chart is pisces (watery ppl)

I love that you know your astrology so well. I definitely love the ocean more than any place eise in the world so it makes sense. I’m also a big fan of float tanks. Would love to chat more 🤩

It basically means you are an overly deep emotional person inside lol you like alone time.. but Libra makes you more outgoing to the world.. I also have Libra rising, so my energy comes off as Libra (friendly, chatty, outgoing) so I relate :) we should talk more since we are the same! I will check out your other astrology post for women

That is an accurate description for sure. Someone who understands 🤯

Feel free to get in touch with me here :

Hope to hear from you soon @amethystrosee

Wow, nice website! How did you create that? I'd love to do that when I have more content!

I appreciate it. I use Squarespace actually. However I do make custom graphics for everything and adjust colors accordingly so that it stands out from all the others. There really is not much of any coding involved. You could do it I know!