Hi! I’ve been on Steemit for 3 weeks, and just passed 100 followers already, wow!! I guess I should actually introduce myself...
My name is Maya. Born and raised in Anchorage, AK, then to Spokane, WA for high school. I'm awkward and goofy, but also quiet and professional. I work in the film industry as a Camera Assistant and a Digital Loader. Been doing that for about 10 years now give or take. I made up my mind to follow this career at age 14 and never looked back. Worked on my first film (as an Office Intern) at age 18, and then that summer worked my second film on set as a Production Assistant. Went to college, then film school, and came out to Los Angeles at age 21 to start my career in the Camera Department. Clawed my way through low budget shit jobs for about 5 years and now I've been working on network TV shows mostly for the past 3 years….But that’s my day job. ;)
On Steemit here, I’d like to share and improve on my personal photography. I finally got my first DSLR as a birthday present to myself in late 2014. I took photos in high school and college with my canon point and shoot and messed around with photoshop, but it was all amateur learning. I did research for a month and finally settled on the new Sony A7 that seemed to be making waves. I love it!!! Such a wonderful camera! And I’ve gathered a few good lenses plus some lights. I’d love to get a solid little studio setup with gear in the next two years. For now photography is a hobby, but I’d love to branch into it as a career. The more I shoot and edit, the more I want to do it full time. :)
Anyway, hello all! I’m so happy to be a part of this new community. It hasn’t even been a month and I’m already loving this more than any other social media platform. Better opportunities for us little guys.
Nice to see your smiling face little sister! Loving the pics. 💕
Great story! My son has applications in at 3 film schools in LA. He'll be heading down there in the fall. I've been digging steemit immensely this last week (I'm new) and I got him to sign up for an account last night. Hopefully he'll be sharing his projects here... Keep up the great photo work!
welcome to Steemit! =)
welcome to steemit
Welcome to the community. Creativity is contagious... pass it along. - Albert Einstein
wow! 😀🙌 welcome to steemit! Enjoy your steemit journey
You can follow my blog @jofomaja on how to do creative marketing even here on steemit
I promise I won’t waste your time.
A BIG warm welcome to Steemit! I am sure you are going to absolutely enjoy the Steemit platform.👍 Please let me know if I can be of future help with Steemit. I truly hope Steemit exceeds all your expectations!👍
Welcome to the platform from another relative newcomer! ;) Looking forward to seeing more of your great photography! :)
I still haven't done my intro post yet either... i've been meaning to.
But nice to read about you and your jobs in the industry... look forward to more.
Interesting. Follow you now!