haiii sahabat steemit...
saya pendatang baru di steemit
perkenalkan Nama saya Agus milanda, saya kelahiran tahun 1995 sekarang umur saya 23 tahun, saya anak ke 7 dari enam bersaudara. pendidikan terakhir saya di smk 1 bireuen. sekarang saya bekerja di kantor badan penanggulangan bencana daerah kabupaten bireuen. diselah selah pekerjaan saya menyukai hobi treveling, hiking dan clambing dan saya juga mencintai pertualangan yang extrim. melalui steemit ini saya akan berbagi tentang pertualangan saya, semoga kawan-kawan semua di steemit kita bisa saling berbagi ilmu pengetahuan kita.
sekali lagi saya ucapkan terimaksih
salam Lestari ...
Introduce My Name Agus milanda, I was born in 1995 now I am 23 years old, I am the seventh child of six siblings. my last education at smk 1 bireuen. now I work in the office of disaster management agency of bireuen district. after work I like the hobby of treveling, hiking and clambing and I also love extreme adventures. through this steemit I will share about my adventure, hopefully all friends in steemit we can share our knowledge.
once more I say thank you
salam lestari ...
Hello! Excellent article, you're done! Welcome to Steemit, I'm glad to new friends and have followed you, I hope you will follow me as well, wish you successful development of your blog! 😃
Upvoted your post! 😉
Yes, thank you. we are all brothers and we can share
welcome! Looking forward to read more from you :)
yes. thank you for the information