
I have outlined my reasons for not verifying above. From now on I will not link to any of my other blogs or writings. I want my writing to stand on its own value anyway and not just get paid on here for being "verified" .. Whatever that means. (I have been a journalist for a long time and I have never had to "verify" myself to write.. My writing stands on its own and if you do not like it simply do not read it.. Thank you. ) - On hindsight I should have just put my pen name on here anyway but my friend told me to be open so I was.. I am sorry you do not like openness.

Ugh.. calm down, all I asked was verifying you are:
Many come here, pick random instagram/facebook/pinterest profile and pretend to be them to reap the rewards. Just verifying that this is indeed the person from that site writing on here is enough for verification, and people will be more open to give you their vote without thinking they are being cheated. No need to become all victimized...

In case you still didn't understand what I meant: