One thing about this post, your intended twitter link is linking to the steemit instead. @alexanova.
Instead of typing just “@AlexaNovaXXX", I suggest you edit and put in a link as
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Making it a link, wasn't my intention.
The @ just signifies that what follows the @ sign is my twitter handle..... can easily search the name in Twitter. But I suppose I can change it to link form.
Well nvm, the editing feature is not functioning properly on app via iPhone. Just search name in twitter please! But I appreciate the comment and the welcome! :)
I found phone is not the best to work for now. I use Android and accidentally resteem twice on different days checking my feed in the morning. Then I wrote 2 gripe post about that. :-)
Since then I try not to work with my phone when I wake up but resteem has now a confirmation prompt now which is better than when it first came.