My first post, grateful for belonging to steemit

Thanks for accepting Steemit

Hello everyone, I am new to the steemit community, my name is Arturo Torrealba, Venezuelan, born and raised in a town calle Villa de Cura, located in the state of Aragua!

I am a hardworking man, honest responsible and fighter, friend of friends, I love my parents and my family, I like the beach, share with family, and with friends, enjoy life!

From a very young age I worked, my parents taught me to be responsible, respect, values, to love myself to love others, when I was of school age I had to alternate work and studies and I graduated as I am a mechanical technician, and throughout my life I learned many trades I have done a bit of everything in my life, my dad is a bricklayer, he taught me to work in that area and other things like agriculture, of course always good and honest jobs.

My vision of life is to live it to the fullest, without fights, without violence, to lie down with a clear conscience and to get up in peace with myself and with everyone, to work to get ahead with my family and try as much as possible to give my daughters the best, even though We all know that here in Venezuela that is almost impossible in the material, but in the emotional full of love to my wife and daughters!

Personally God and life put in my way a wonderful woman @norvicgarcia, she changed my life since she gave me the most beautiful gift my daughters, one of them Daniela was already with her when I met her but I took so much care, I consider her my eldest daughter and the other is Fabiana, she is my little daughter, the only thing I can tell you is that I give my life for those three women!

Currently I am dedicated to the welding part, I have been working for 11 years in a company where that is the strongest, with my colleagues we have made large structures, such as shopping centers.

At first this was not what I wanted but little by little I was getting passion for what I do and I was climbing positions with my work and throughout this time I learned a lot from this field.

Thanks to @norvicgarcia, I am getting to know this community, she told me about the active and interesting thing of belonging here and I am encouraged, I hope to know about Steemit since what I have read is a very large community, where you can find lots of topics and where you learn every day, I hope to learn more about steemit and also be able to contribute topics of interest for the whole community!

Well I hope your acceptance and have your support, your comments for me are important, I hope you enjoyed my introduction to this steemit community, thank you all!


@alejof1019 Follow me, please I can help you grow.

Clear friend, I'm following you, I'm willing to accept advice to grow in the community, thank you! @thetruth36

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