I’m sure mo-mo will be your steem guide too! Let’s see if we can get the @heyhaveyamet peeps to promote your intro post and get you some attention
I think the best thing would be to find communities/tribes of topics you are keen on posting about and starting to engage their! If you’re a foodie check out #foodie and #tasteeem for example
Thanx and happy fridayOffcourse @chekohler , the tags were not the usual so without you watching eye i would have missed it , i will go and leave a message and we will feature here on the @heyhaveyamet blog today and we will send an invite for the @steemterminal
Thanks Britt you’re such a star! Have a great Friday too! I’ll keep on a look out if I find newbies that fall through the cracks
@chekohler @brittandjosie , is there an app you would recommend for posting from your IOS?
I prefer using esteem app you can find it on the App Store! It’s a little tricky to login but once you get going it’s great and they have regular updates and you can also chat to the team if you have issues or suggestions for updates which is awesome
Got it. Downloading.
Esteem or partiko and next to one of those steemify for all notifications about your account
There is also APPICS but that’s just to post pictures without blogging that’s more of an addition
Got it ! And what if I had like videos I wanted to post?
In APPICS that’s possible but again that’s no blogging so you could put in in YouTube and copy the link to a blog made in steemit , esteem or whatever
So if I use that app I can’t add like a subject and a short description ? Sorry for all of the questions
Yes you can all the questions cost resource credits maybe you have discord it’s an app to and if so look me up there the questions are free .
So what is the difference between tribe and tags? I am going to be probably doing more travel.
A tag is basically for categorizing your posts but a tribe is a community that is interested in a topic like travel and they curate and content using those their own tribe tag
For travel I’d recommend using travelfeed.io as your front end of choice and use the tribe hashtag #tmt in your post that way you expose your travel content to all users who like that sort of content
Oh, well then that makes sense. Gosh I am such a newbie. Is there an app you would recommend using to post?
Lol no worries, that’s why I say take it at your own pace! It can surely get overwhelming so don’t feel pressured to get the hang of it immediately this place takes a lot of effort which many aren’t willing to put in
Yeah, it is extremely overwhelming haha.
What is a witness?
A witness is someone who runs a steem node it’s the equivalent of being a miner on steem each witness helps keep the latest copy of the blockchain and provides additional services sometimes so we as normal steemians will vote for them to be one of the top 20 witnesses who get the best rewards
Someone mentioned finding a witness ?