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RE: 15 days into Steemit. I guess It´s time to Introduce Myself

Hi Cousin.

It's been a While...

Curiosly, I've been facing some "internal issues" like yours, and trying to overcome the bad days. As we don't keep in touch that much, we don't know a lot about each other anymore.

Maybe the Steemit serve us as a way to "keep in touch".

I'm yet trying to understand all this stuff that you smart guys are talking about. Sor far, I've figured out that we are in the begining/middle of the most important revolution in the economics. Money itself was created as a representation of a value in "gold" and stuff. And money itself isn't used anymore, but it's representations (plastic, credits, etc). Cryptocurrency looks to me like the "natural next step" on the economics.

See you arround here.
Don't be astranger!


Isso ae... Tá bão de inglês.
Depois que tiver tempo vou te passando as manhas