** elisha ** elisha@firesprings.com
To Mawunyo
Sunday, March 25, 2018 5:02 AM
Why do the prayers work for some and not for others?
Visitor A laments:
"I am 33 years old never married, no children and flooding
in over $300,000 student loan and credit card debt.
I have since graduated Dental School as a dentist in 2013
but cannot help but feel non achievement and that
I have wasted my life with school because the other
areas of my life are not in order."
Same day Eagle B wrote:
"You taught me to construct prayer points from Bible
verses. Praying Bible based prayers does work.
My debt with a financial institution of $35000 has been
cleared as we speak by divine helpers raised by the Lord."
= = =
Mawunyo if you're wondering what it takes to go from
A (debt-laden) to B (debt-free) in the shortest amount of time...
It is (partially) explained here: