After trying to understand this platform for a few days, I realized that it would be best to start with:
I live in Ploiesti, Romania
not the best picture of my city but i'm at work when i write this so...
and I'm an administrative clerk.
Before this 9to5 job I took pictures of people, product photography and all sorts of events .
But what I really like to do is:
I also like
Finding this platform made me think I can get back to doing what I like the most
photography and travel
things I have neglected a lot lately.
I feel that with your help, here on Steemit, I will start once again appreciating the art but also the common sense.
I'm not much of a writer, but I will try to post interesting things every day or so.
By the way, this is my family:
my wife Natalia and my little girl Patricia
A friend of mine told me about Steemit, his name is @victorcovrig and he has some great posts.
So that's it, see you soon. :)
Best regards!
Hi Marian Georgescu :)
Welcome to Steemit . I liked your 'introduceyourself' post; It has some great pictures so you have nice photography skills as well. In order to further improve on Steemit and to learn how the platform works, I have some guides for you, that every newbie should read in order to become familiar with the platform and get started.
The Beginner's Guide to Steemit
How to Transfer STEEM From Bittrex to Steemit
Moreover, I would also like to introduce to you one of several awesome communities that helps the Steemians, especially the newcomers along the way; you can get different type of support from the community, including an upvote supportthe link to our discord server. , and of course, learning from experienced Steemians. The community is called @greetersguild created by @terminallyill, and I would like to invite you to join us :) Here is
Oh, and you can use #greetersguild as one of your tags to get a possible upvote from @greetersguild on your quality post.
Wish you great success on Steemit :)
Hello Monajam! Thanks! I will remember what you advised me and we will see soon.
Welcome to Steemit platform, from all of us in promo-nigeria. Steemit is a beautiful place to be and we are sure you will be happy here. Get to know more by blogging consistently. Never be discouraged, seek for assistant when necessary. Cheers!
Thank you! I will remember what you told me! Have a great day!
Hello, martymnp! Best wishes for a very enriching experience here in this awesome community :) Life is good
By the way, there are several groups you as a newcomer can join. They will stay with you for your journey, helping and mentoring along the way.
@greetersguild invite link @newbieresteemday invite link
Hello! Thank you!
Bine te-am gasit man! Ma bucur ca ai venit pe Steemit! :D hai si tu pe Discord-ul romanesc, si da un follow la @steemromania.
Link-ul de Discord:
Salut! Multumesc mult! Ne vedem acolo :)
Bine ai venit! Te asteptam sa te alaturi comunitatii de pe discord! Poate mergem la un pescuit intr-o zi cand ajung pe la Ploiesti!!!:D
Hey! Mc de urari :d Oho chiar mi-ar placea mult sa mergem la o partida de pescuit. O zi buna!
Nu se stie niciodata :D o zi buna si tie!
Hello! Bine ai venit!
Salut! Bine te-am gasit Radu!
Devine Ploieștul capitala României pe Steem?
Salut! Sa speram ce sa zic ;))
Welcome to SteemIt Marty!
Hello! Thank you verry much and nice to meet you Sarah.
Bun găsit man! Încet încet Ploieștiul conduce la număr de steemians cred :) poate reușim să facem și meetingul între noi, toți ploieștenii.
Salut! Bine v-am gasit! Ar fi o idee foarte buna. Sustin astfel de evenimente :D
Welcome to Steemit.
Hope you will enjoy your time here. :)
I will follow you.
Cheers, Erlend
Hy! Thank you Erlend! I hope that to, I am very proud to be here and hope to learn many interesting things from this community. I will folow you also :) Have a good day!
Bine ai venit!
Ne place sa vedem continut bun pe Steem si ne place sa avem oameni noi cu energie!
O sa vezi ca un continut bun inseamna si mai multe voturi si mai multa expunere. Editeaza articolul si adauga tagul #introduceyourself, acolo este inghesuiala. Nu poti schimba primul tag, deci lasa-l asa, adauga-l pe celalalt.
Salut! Iti multumesc pentru incurajari si pentru sfat. Se pare ca am multe de invatat ;)) Sa ai o zi buna!
Bine ai venit pe Steemit, de asemenea te așteptăm și pe grupul de Discord unde vom creste și progresa impreuna , o postare cu un conținut bun este întotdeauna apreciata . Și cum primul pas deja e făcut , spor la treaba in continuare.
Buna! Merci mult! E foarte frumos atunci cand vezi cat de multe persoane iti ureaza 'bun venit'. Voi tine minte grupul tau de Discord si ai si follow din partea mea. O zi minunata.
Hello Marty! Welcome in the family 😊
Hello Gabriela. Thank you :D :)
@martymnp, A warm welcome to Steemit. This is a great community and I know you will have a great time here.
Hello there! Thank you for your post. I will check that page. Have a pleasant afternoon!
Welcome to Steemit, I hope you like it here very much, I followed you, I hope this is mutual ;) A lot of interesting things ahead, good luck!
Hey! Thanks for that. I'm looking forward to learn / post on this platform. Good day!
Bine ai venit, @martymnp! Ai o familie frumoasa! Iti doresc sa te integrezi cat mai usor si cat mai repede in comunitatea Steemit si bineinteles in comunitatea romaneasca.
Buna ziua! Va multumesc mult! Chiar planuiesc sa postez cat mai des si sper sa placa tuturor postarile mele. O zi buna va doresc. In continuare voi 'naviga' putin pe pagina ta :)
O zi buna si tie!
Salutare si bun venit @martymnp! Un om deschis la minte cu o familie frumoasa! Comunitatea romanilor creste! Sa ai mult succes si te asteptam si pe Discord!
Mie imi place sa spun ca daca ai inceput ai facut deja jumatate din drum. De acum acolo mai trebuie doar pasiune si putina munca! Succes!
Salut! Îți mulțumesc mult! Cu siguranță ne vom vedea și pe Discord. O seara buna! :)
Bine ai venit pe Steemit, iti urez succes!
Bine te-am gasit Allesia! Mulțumesc!
Hey ! Welcome to Steemit @martymnp
For your kind information keep safe your master password.
Regularly upvote, comment and resteem on steemit post.
Cryptocurrency News for crypto lovers ..... Updated You Always For cryptocurrency news follow @jyotirmay.
Hey! Thanks for advice! Have a great day!
Saludos, gracias por compartir tu post con nosotros, éxito.
Buen día! El placer está de mi lado! Buenas dias!
Love your family, cute daughter, very fun, beautiful photos, amazing place.
Thank You verry much!!!