intoduce myself-who I'am? ( Perkenalan diri - Siapa Saya ? ) (Bilingual)

in #introducemyself7 years ago (edited)


Hi ... regards friendship of the steemians ........
Recommend my name fitriyani. call everyday just call fitri or pie only. I was born in a small town in the province of Aceh which is now starting to grow a bit, a city that has experienced prolonged conflict caused trauma to almost all of its people. Lhokseumawe, this is where I was born exactly June 29, 1985, about almost 33 years ago. I am married and have 2 children. 3.5 year old son and 1 year old daughter.
ka ipit.jpg

Right now I decided to become a housewife. Previously I taught at SDIT Anak Salih, a newly established school but now I take a break while waiting for the third childbirth process. My hobby is cooking and exercising. My ideals used to be policewomen but were constrained by the conflict and followed by the Tsunami so that traumatized parents had to let me go away.
Just remembering the conflict I wanted to share my experience with. At that time I was still in junior high school (Junior High School), when the night comes our village atmosphere, Northwest Hagu name is very gripping no one dared to leave the house, gunshots and bombs break the silence of the night every day. Every night we felt frightened. Incidentally at that time my house is still made of board. For fear there was a bullet bullet my parents coated the wall of the room with a foam mattress. every night we slept and took refuge in the room. Incidentally my father is not a Acehnese melaikan comes from the Sundanese tribe, a tribe that the people of Aceh at that time. Because every Javanese at that time was all forced out of Aceh, there was just a kidnapping news outside Aceh, not to mention my younger brother who was gunned down by his drunken military officer, but his gratitude was not shot, but we were worried every day . Especially the next morning there was just news of the dead shot and tortured, because the conflict that heats up the entire population at that time in the evacuation including me and family. Had experienced suffering ditda ditendaian. Want to go home but no choice. One dying of my parents at that time alive or dead still want to survive in Aceh.
who does not know about the dark periods of the conflict in Aceh, which lost many sectors in Aceh's lands, arousing the concerns of various countries to bring peace between the government and the rebels known as the Free Aceh Movement or briefly called GAM. Various efforts and steps taken to achieve peace by both sides directly monitored by uni europe, so that the realization of a peace that contained within the grains of MoU agreement. Precisely in 2005 Agreement and commitment created in helsingky state.
Ironically, Aceh, long before the achievement of a peace was the creator gave another triumph that was not less devastating, the earthquake followed by rising sea water (Tsunami) which devastated a part of Aceh and resulted in far more casualties than the victim at the time of the conflict . At that time I was in high school. Thankfulness from the experience that our family until now still given the longevity by the creator to feel a much better life.
Up here just my introduction hopefully my friends happy to know me. Next time we will tell you about many things and share information and experience. Successful and glorious greeting always ...

(Indonesia language)

Hai... salam pertemanan para steemians........
Kenalkan nama saya fitriyani. panggilan sehari-hari cukup panggil fitri atau pie saja. Saya lahir disebuah kota kecil di Propinsi Aceh yang saat ini mulai sedikit berkembang, kota yang pernah mengalami konflik berkepanjangan mengakibatkan trauma pada hampir seluruh masyarakatnya. Lhokseumawe , disinilah saya dilahirkan tepatnya tanggal 29 Juni 1985, kira-kira hampir 33 tahun yang lalu. saya sudah menikah dan memiliki 2 anak. Putra berusia 3,5 tahun dan putri 1 tahun.
ka ipit.jpg

Saat ini saya memutuskan untuk menjadi seorang ibu rumah tangga. Sebelumnya saya mengajar di SDIT Anak Shalih, sekolah yang baru saja didirikan tapi sekarang saya istirahat sejenak, sambil menunggu proses persalinan anak Ke tiga. Hobi saya memasak dan berolah raga. Cita-cita saya dulunya ingin menjadi polwan tapi terkendala saat itu akibat konflik dan disusul Tsunami sehingga membuat orang tua trauma harus melepaskan saya untuk pergi jauh.
Sedikit mengingat masa konflik dulu saya ingin berbagi pengalaman. Saat itu saya masih duduk dibangku SMP ( Sekolah Menengah Pertama), saat malam tiba suasana di desa Hagu Barat Laut ,tak satupun berani keluar rumah, suara tembakan dan bom memecah kesunyian malam setiap harinya. Setiap malam kami merasa ketakutan. Kebetulan saat itu rumah saya masih terbuat dari papan. Karena takut ada peluru nyasar . setiap malam kami tidur dan berlindung dikamar itu. Kebetulan ayah saya bukanlah orang Aceh melaikan berasal dari Suku Sunda, suku yang dimusuhi orang Aceh saat itu. Karena setiap orang jawa saat itu semua dipaksa keluar dari Aceh ada saja berita penculikan bangsa diluar aceh, belum lagi adik laki-laki saya yang sempat ditodong senjata dikepalanya oleh anggota militer yang sedang mabuk, tapi syukurnya tidak jadi ditembak, namun kami merasa khawatir setiap harinya. Apalagi Keesokan pagi harinya ada saja berita orang mati tertembak dan disiksa, karena konflik yang semakin memanas, seluruh penduduk saat itu di ungsikan termasuk saya dan keluarga. Sempat mengalami penderitaan ditenda pengungsian. Ingin pulang tapi tak ada pilihan. Satu tekat orang tua saya saat itu hidup atau mati tetap ingin bertahan di Aceh.
siapa yang tidak tau tentang masa masa kelam konflik di Aceh yang menelan kerugian di berbagai sektor di tanah aceh sehingga menggugah kepedulian berbagai negara untuk mewujudkan perdamai antara pemerintah dan pihak pemberontak yang dikenal sebagai Gerakan Aceh Merdeka atau di singkat dengan sebutan GAM. Berbagai upaya dan langkah yang ditempuh untuk mewujudkan perdamaian oleh kedua pihak yang dimonotoring langsung oleh uni eropa, sehingga terwujud nya sebuah perdamaian yang di wadahi didalam butir butir perjanjian MoU.tepatnya pada tahun 2005 Perjanjian dan komitmen tercipta di negara helsingky .
Ironisnya Aceh, jauh sebelum tercapainya sebuah perdamaian ternyata sang pencipta memberi cobaan lain yang tak kalah dahsyatnya, Gempa yang disusul dengan naiknya air laut ( Tsunami ) yang meluluh lantakkan sebagian kawasan aceh dan menghasilkan korban jiwa yang jauh lebih banyak dari angka korban pada saat konflik tersebut. Saat itu saya sudah sekolah di bangku SMA. Bersyukurnya dari pengalaman tersebut kami sekeluarga sampai saat ini masih diberikan umur panjang oleh sang pencipta merasakan kehidupan yang jauh lebih baik.
Sampai disini saja dulu perkenalan saya semoga teman-teman senang mengenal saya. Lain kali kita akan bercerita tentang banyak hal dan berbagi informasi serta pengalaman. Salam sukses dan jaya selalu...


It's so beautiful to have you here on steemit. I took time to come welcome you and I know you will love it here. Welcome to our family. @greatness96

Hey, welcome to steemit! Warm greeting from another newbie. :D
I actually just joined two weeks ago, let's follow and support each-other trhough this new platform!

Of course. Nice to meet you @nurfajrialdi

I gave you some lovin How bout you give me some too?

Salam kenal kak @maestro-steem

@salam kenal juga @syaisyah ... tinggal dmna ?

Ia sama sama kak, saya di banda aceh...

Welcome to Steemit maestro-steem. Let me know if you got any questions about Steem/Steemit. The official FAQ can be found here and is quite extensive - Also, Steemit is just one of the sites using Steem the blockchain. We also have Dtube, Dsound and Steepshot if you prefer videos,music or pictures instead of blogging content. And many more of course!

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Warm welcome to Steemit @maestro-stee. Awesome baby you have there! Very cute photo. We look forward to the things experience you'll share.

Welcome to steemit. This is a great community of artists, bloggers, travelers and crypto users. I am sure you will have a good time here :)

hello @maestro steem and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

Welcome to steemit dear! Best of luck.. Please visit my profile to play some fun games and win SBDs...

Welcome to steemit. Good luck



Welcome to Steemit @maestro-steem