So, my name is Crystal… as a kid people used to think that was a funny name, I’ve been called pistol, crystal ball, diamond and copper (don’t ask ) I guess I don’t really mind that other people find my name entertaining. I’m an Aquarius! And a big on at that, My quirkiness quite often comes across as ‘wired’ which is a good thing if you ask me!
I had a period at 23yrs old where I was a complete party animal (dancing on tables, making friend with EVERYONE including the club owner and other peoples dogs), I was being invited to the best bars and clubs in London…. Eventually I figured out, sooner than most of my ‘friends’, that this was an empty lifestyle.!
I’m antisocial now, haha I quite enjoy it. I would describe myself as an ambivert, I’m an extrovert for about 20 minutes into a social gathering and then my introvertedness kicks in and all I can think about is how nice it would be to go home and do the things I really want to do….which is being a nerd on the computer 😊!
At the age of 24, my life started to change. I became apart of this health and Fitness world and I would not go back! I quit my 9-5 job to start a (few) business of my own… exploring Entrepreneurship and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Where those changes hard? … F*$k yeah it was! And I’m thinking to talk more about this later.
This is me with my morning Coffee (Much needed):
This is me again same pose different clothes: (again Coffee in hand otherwise braindead)
So what are the things I like?
- Oh so many things! But the best feeling is when you find yourself in a beautiful country abroad with someone you love and you literally feel like you have no worries in the world! Lying in the sun by a beach feeling completely tranquil.
-Also busting you’re as* in the gym, sweating and crying with pain (I lift weights) until your muscles are so sore you can barely walk. Yes that is one of the best feelings. It feels like you just won a fight! … with your self.
- Pyscology. I’m pretty obsessed with analysing every little detail about how people behave. I like to think I can predict the outcomes of certain behaviours 😊
-Art. I have a degree in Fashion design, I used to Paint big Canvases… I’m super creative, I play piano and saxophone.
-Being jobless. Haha… not really, but being able to peruse the things that I passionately enjoy doing everyday. I.e. Online marketing and building a Bikini fashion line.
-One of my favourite places in the world is Greece.
Here is me again:
Beautfull views:
I'm overjoyed to be apart of this community, i plan to blog about fitness, health my personal struggles with everyday life as someone who works from home, trying to build a business from scratch, and Delicious Dessert Recipes/ Meal plans .
Thanks you for reading :)
Please follow me @loisdove
Welcome again Crystal!! Good you are here on Steem it!!
Thank you my dear :)
I am following you! Happy steeming!Hello and welcome to the steem community! I am posting scientific content of all kinds, feel free to check it out!
Thank you i'm pretty excited to be here!
Hello and welcome! It's nice to see new faces around here I look forward to seeing your content 😊
Followed 👍🏽
Thank you!,That's so nice of you, it like a little world on steemit! i love it :) look forward to seeing more of your posts too!
Welcome to steemit. up vote for up vote, and I will be following you.
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Hi Crystal, welcome to Steem. As someone who is really into fitness as well. I look forward to seeing your next posts. I'll follow you :)
Hi Rockjon, Yeah i love it! The gym thanks transformed my life! thank you :)
Welcome! Hope you enjoy yourself on here, best of luck and happy posting! Looking forward to your future posts :)
whoohoo Yes definitely happy posting! thank you :)
Hello 😊 Welcome to Steem! Looking forward for your fitness and health blogs. I hope you can share us some advice and tips.
yes definitely! thank you for the welcome :)
Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @slywalker Start by following people and they will do the same.
thank you for your tips would love a follow back :)
Welcome @loisdove Upvote!)
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Welcome to steemit @loisdove :))
Thank you my dear :)
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welcome to this esteemed platform @loisdove follow me at for more tips
I welcome you to the colorful world of steemit! You will definitely get a whole new experience from all the wonderful people in this community.
@GLOBALFOODBOOK for assorted mouthwatering recipes from around the world.
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thank you!
Welcome to steemit community.
Good Luck I’m @jyoungking2 Start by following people and they will do the same.
Good Day - thanks for following me on Twitter @JonZiemba1 - looking forward to more posts!
Welcome to Steemit - you will be successful here I am sure!
thank you! x
hey :) GOOD TO SEE YOU HERE :) followed you and would like to be followed :) happy steeming :D
Aww thank you! look forward to seeing more of your content :)
will be following your story!!! hope you follow mine too :) stay blessed!
Will do! Welcome :)
Welcome to Steemit Chrystal. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. :-)
So far so good :) have fun steeming
Hello Crystal, welcome to Steem! :-)
thank you! followed :)