Oh my god, what's happened on your reputation point, I remember you were at 40!!
That's crazy...Why??
Anyway, what Malanga discover here, is, that some alien races need a certain kind of energy of some suitable human to extend their life. They ,using their technologies, had manage to convince our "souls" or better speaking our "will" to give part of the energy to themselfes. But this is not just a conjeture fruit of his immagination, but it was the people under the hypnosis who said it, and not just one person but thousands. So aliens want to catch our "soul" (is not the Christian soul, but something related to the will that live in our body), and to avoid that, one have to speak with his soul (for example through hypnosis,or through a very deep meditation) and explain to her that she don't have to give them her energy, because they do not deserve it. I know it souds weird, but our soul don't think in a rational way like us, so when alien come to her asking for some energy, she try pity for them, which can not do without it. As soon as she understand that they are evil subjects she can drive them away with an act of will.
I hope i was clear, i could have to talk for hours about this argument.
Any question or comment is welcome
Bye Bye
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Ill just tell you now, that guy you follow is involved and muddying the water by lying about things. I know exactly the direction he is leading you down and precisely what he is trying to reference while not actually telling the truth. Hes talking about saving human minds to computers to keep a echo of the person around like hollograms of famous historic people from the hollowdeck in star trek. Its a whole big thing. They save people who they consider are worth saving but then also save the mass majority under this control system, in a way its like weaponizing the dead. Its not souls but they'd tell you it is. I'll go into this at a later date, its actually a really big thing. A big thing hidden in plain sight. I just don't wanna reveal that in a side comment. Find me privately ill tell you if you really wish. Its just another alien thing we have to contend with.
I look forward to your post on this. For reasons I can't divulge here (it would require a short book to explain, as well as divulging personal experience) this thing frightens me. They have been preparing people for this transfer of knowledge since the late 60's/early 70's for sure using Castaneda (considered by many to be the godfather of the new age movement). There was lots of natural ways he described in many of his books that many consider supernatural because they have dumbed/numbed our senses with their programming. They have done a real number on us separating us from nature and surrounding us in a concrete EMF drugged bubble.
And the promise of immortality the lure, they will make your information immortal as they kill off the spark that resides within.
I think there was a misunderstanding between me and you, it's my fault because english is not my language. And first of all I don't follow nobody but I just tried to report (in a bad way) with few word the job of years and second Malanga is a genuine person that you don't know and third I specified that that thing is not the soul, but just for simplicity we call in this way. Remember that all things that happen in the universe is the mixing of all the WILL of every living being. The only thing that count is the WILL.
Thats cool, i'm only saying, this guy who you've researched is talking about a real thing just in a fake way. They often set people up to discuss topics and mislead people about them to make people think its more mystical and ethereal than it really is. Like telling someone a lighter creates fire because its channeling the flame of GOD. Even if you dont follow this guy properly there will be people that do and they are mislead into thinking something is more than what it really is through this method. I can spot the signs in what you say this guy says, its clear what he's trying to reference.
Yes @lozzmon, maybe you are right, but I have my own way of thinking, and nobody will ever change it. I'm different from the majority of people, I've a degree in Astronomy and now I'm taking another in Math but in the same time I have always kept my way of thinking, even if I was always surrounded by people totally different from me.
When I saw an Ufo for the first time, I was only 12. And today I'm 30 and I lost the count of how many times I saw them. The unique things that I trust is my experience and my mind, so everyone can say whatever he wants to me I'm open to all possibility but I decide what is right for me.
Bye bye it's a pleasure talk with you
Where did you see a UFO? Good to talk to you too
Well, every time in the sky and always at nigth. But the first time was unforgettable. It was winter and I was with a friend of mine in a park near my home wacthing the stars. We were just children and at a certain moment we saw a big spacecraft passing slowly,(big like the sun). We got very scared and we ran away crying out. From that moment, my life changed radically. I didn't sleep for several night.
After that, i didn't see ufo for years, and when i was like 16/17, I restarted to see them, but in a different way, for example one time i saw something like a satellite(it appears like a star moving) flying in the sky, that interrupted in some point its motion and it came back to supersonic speed!! So only the first time I saw a spacecraft, but in the others, always stuff similar to light globe doing strange motion on the sky. And as I just told you, recently I saw them 3/4 times, in pairs fixed in the sky, like stars, and soon after they disappear!!
I don't exactly believe in what you say you saw but I do believe you when you say you saw it. There's currently too many variables to say exactly what it was for sure. I like to remove as many variables as possible to derive exactly what a thing is, thats only possible with enough information.