Hi, my name is Vladimir. I am writing short stories. I think i am able to make you interested of any particular theme i would write about. I came from Serbia and that is what my life already makes exciting. People say i am bright, funny and open-minded.
REVIEW: Indencent Proposal
Although it received Golden raspberry and caused quite a controversy, most of people who saw it, consider Indecent proposal a cult movie. Perhaps we are just afraid to admit that today’s timeless values have their price.
Who can be considered a villain in this movie, Demi Moore - who choose to spend some time with a charming millionaire, Woody Harrelson who gave up his wife to another man, only to later become passively aggressive towards her, or Robert Redford who used his money to manipulate this unhappy couple. It's easy to judge the actions of others, but let's put ourselves in their place and try to understand them.
What’s the price of freedom? This question seems absurd, since the value of ideals is priceless. Now days, however, consumer society wants to put a number, comma and two nines on everything.
Many were confused, or at least stund by the ravel of the famous Hollyvood movie Indecent Proposal. But it turned out that movie authors Woody Harrelson-Demi Moore-Robert Redford, just transferred it from everyday life on cinema screen.
Let`s look around for a moment and let's be honest. How to call a man who lives his dreams, disregarding material benefit? How to name the one who is dedicated to occupation without perspective (which is measured by number, of course). Freak. Loser. Crazy, maybe.
Is it then wrong to ask how much your freedom costs. Million, two, twenty? If, after all, you find this question strange, know that you are the freak in whose will and endurance hangs the destiny of mankind.
Добро нам дошао, @laki87.
Филм је иначе направљен да посеје сумњу међу људима који знају да постоје ствари које немају цену.
Слобода нема цену. Онај ко то не зна, осуђен је да научи на најтежи могући начин.
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