With a big smile on my face: Hello Hive! - Introduction Post: Dub Me Nikki :)

Hello Hive!



My name is Nikki and I greet you warmly by the hand.. 6 meters apart for responsible social distancing!

Usually starting an introduction post can be difficult for me, often asking myself “Where do I start?”. Despite having been the new kid at school for more than 8 times growing up, I still haven’t mastered the tell-me-about-yourself part. Shy me would just flash a big awkward smile when asked to stand in front of my then classmates. “Hi, my name is Nikki”. Then, as always, followed by the teacher confusingly looking at the attendance list, then to me, with squinting eyes, “Nikki?”.

Back in 1993, a certain Joel and Sarah were expecting their daughter to be born on Christmas day. “Let’s name her something holiday inspired!” was the best idea they thought of. Being the rebellious person that I am, I managed to extend my birthday to the 27th of December. And the name they decided on? Marychrist Joyce. “Marychrist” from “Merry Christmas” and “Joyce” from “Joy to the world”. Cheesy, mouthful, and torturous -along with it came the struggles of having to learn to write such a long name. Thankfully, they decided on nicknaming me Nikki, because my older brother’s name is Nikko. Matchy-matchy! I 100% of the time use it instead, to the point that my own parents can barely recall my real name.


When my mom would introduce me and my siblings, she would start with my older brother. “This is Nikko and he’s a lawyer. This is CJ, my youngest and he is a triathlete.” Then comes the 2-3 second pause until she’d continue.. “And this is Nikki.. she’s multitalented.” When in reality, I’m just someone who’s cruising through life, trying out my hand on different stuff that may interest me. But my mom doesn’t have a word for that so she labels me as multitalented. Misleading, I know. Haha.


I live in a tropical country with only 3 climates: rainy, hot, and extremely hot! A place where westerners are always baffled at the sight of people wearing long-sleeved tops. At times I suspect I was born in the wrong country because I loathe summers and would very much prefer to live somewhere cool where I can put on a leather jacket on any day. Yes, I own one and can only use it during late-night trips to the mountains. Sadly.


For a living, I listen and write down people’s problems -I transcribe online therapy sessions. Pretty draining and depressing at times but also very uplifting and encouraging hearing therapist’s advice and positive perspectives. Bringing me a tad bit closer to being diagnosed with Bipolar Personality Disorder each day. Kidding!

On my spare time, apart from lazing around on the bed and staring at my rectangular shaped device, I enjoy painting my face, cooking and draw once in a blue moon.





An outdoor enthusiast too, pre pandemic!


So yeah, dub me Nikki!

I plan on not having any plans on what exactly to share here because I like to believe that spontaneity is much more fulfilling because plans are probably just invited for disappointment. I screw up life more often than one should but hey, I’m still here! Things have to go out of hand for learnings, no?

Until then, I am happy to lend an ear to anyone who needs it and devote these fingers for some typing!


Oh and I currently have pink hair and have been itching on dyeing again.


What color do you think I should have next?


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Hello, @heydubmenikki! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

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Thank you, @anggreklestari for curating Nikki's blog! ❤️

my pleasure! ❤️

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Very nice intro Nikki, welcome! :)

@tipu curate

@phortun Thank you, kind sir! Very excited to connect with numerous interesting individuals on this platform!

Aw! You are awesome! Thank you so much for showing a lot of support to the newbies! ❤️

Welcome on Hive, Nikki.

Thank you so much for taking the time to welcome me! I appreciate it ☺️

You are welcome (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Welcome to Hive @heydubmenikki! 😃 You seem like a fun person to be around like how your family looks wonderful! 😄 Hope you find the perfect place in the communities to share some happy smiles, cheers! 🥂
D.Buzz is a great place for you to freely express what you want with our microblogging platform. Feel free to make an introduction post and let the community know who you are. 🐝

Awwee, thank you so much! My cats seem to like me so yes, maybe I am fun to be around 😅 Just not when I’m hungry, that’s for sure! Haha. Thanks for welcoming me! Really glad to be here!

Welcome to Hive! I hope you will !LUV it here.






@heydubmenikki, you've been given LUV from @horstman5.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (2/5)

Thank you!! Already loving the time I have spent here so far. Never have been welcomed by people I haven’t interacted with on any platform apart from here. This is new and is a very good sign that this is somewhere I can build genuine connections at hopefully! Can’t wait to share more of my thoughts!

Happy to see you here, Nikki and thank you for your sharing your creativity in this community.

Look forward to getting in touch with you soon, once I finish some stuff. I already added you to my to "do-list" am doing one on one mentorship with the new members.i might have a gathering soon, depends on how this community quarantine. Will, add you to one of my FB chat groups.


Thank you! And no worries, do take your time! Learning my way around here has been enjoyable. Can’t wait to meet the rest of the community! 💗

nice intro. Welcome to Hive.
Looking forward to see more posts from you

Thank you, that means a lot! I wrote this in bed, the same hour I found out about hive and signed up for it. So apologies for the typos! Glad to be here!