Introduce my self

Halo stemians semua…!!!


Perkenalkan saya @azrilmaulana pengguna baru steemit. Saya tinggal di, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. Bergabung dengan steemit adalah anugerah terindah dalam hidup saya, karena di steemit saya bisa mempromosikan karya-karya saya baik berupa artikel, puisi, cerpen dan karya tulis lainnya yang mungkin akan bermanfaat bagi kemajuan pengetahuan manusia di seluruh dunia. Selain itu,di steemit saya ingin memperdalam bahasa inggris saya.

Alasan lainya adalah di steemit saya bisa mendapatkan reward berupa SBD. Alasan inilah yang membuat saya selalu semangat dan termotivasi untuk selalu menulis di steemit. Saya tidak ragu lagi dengan kerja keras saya di dunia menulis, karena kini saya telah mendapatkan steemit sebagai platform dunia sosial yang memberikan saya reward yang sepadan dengan karya-karya yang saya hasilkan.

Sehari-sehari saya bekerja sebagai buruh bangunan, pekerjaan ini sudah saya jalani semenjak saya tamat SMA. Sebenarnya saya sangat ingin menyambung pendidikan saya ke universitas, namun karena factor tidak adanya biaya membuat saya harus mengikhlaskan cita-cita saya itu.

Saya sangat menyukai buku, kebiasaan membaca ini sudah ada semenjak saya sekolah di sekolah dasar. Saya suka membaca bermacam novel yang ditulis oleh penulis luar negeri maupun penulis dari dalam negeri. Karya-karya seperti Borges, Orhan Pamuk, Alice Munroe, Arafat Nur, Ayi Jufridar sudah menjadi referensi bacaan novel saya. Saya bercita-cita ingin jadi penulis yang sukses seperti mereka.

Saya mulai menyukai dunia menulis, semanjak saya mengenal @arafatnur. Dari beliau saya mendapat banyak ilmu tentang sastra. Beliau juga banyak memberi saya inspirasi dan semangat untuk terus mempertahankan cita-cita saya untuk jadi penulis. Karena menurut saya, dapat dapat memberi kita kearifan dan kebijaksanaan dalam hidup.

Saya masih baru di steemit, jadi saya sangat mengharapkan teman-teman stemians memberikan saya masukan dan pengetahuan yang berkenaan dengan steemit.

Terima kasih kepada @elparsie karena telah memperkenalkan saya tentang steemit.

Salam saya kenal saya buat: @good-karma, @damarth, @done, @bert0, @jerrybanfield, @lottobot, @louisthomas, @markperandin, @morkrock, @newenx, @oren730, @yoo1900, @rismanrachman, @stephenkendal, @taskmaster4450, @themanualbot, @virus707, @jesta, @botmarley, @flauwy @exyle @esteemapp, @dragosroua, @curie, @cryptoctopus, @crytomaker, @c1h, @biophil, @berniesanders, @adsactly, @khaleelkazi, @levycore, @aiqabrago, @abduhawab, @pinacle, @ayijufridar, @arafatnur

Sekian dan terima kasih.

Hello stemians all ... !!!
Introduce me @azrilmaulana new user steemit. I live in, Lhokseumawe, Indonesia. Joining steemit is the most beautiful gift of my life, because in steemit I can promote my works in the form of articles, poems, short stories and other papers that may be beneficial to the advancement of human knowledge around the world. Also, in steemit I want to deepen my english.

Another reason is in steemit I can get a reward in the form of SBD. It is this reason that keeps me excited and motivated to always write in steemit. I have no doubt about my hard work in the writing world, because now I have gained steemit as a social world platform that gives me rewards commensurate with the works I produce.

Everyday I work as a construction worker, this job I have lived since I graduated from high school. Actually I really want to connect my education to the university, but because of the absence of the cost factor makes me have to ideals of it.

I love books, reading habits have been around since I attended elementary school. I like to read various novels written by overseas authors and writers from within the country. Works such as Borges, Orhan Pamuk, Alice Munroe, Arafat Nur, Ayi Jufridar have become references to my novel reading. I aspire to be a successful writer like them.

I started to love the writing world, as much as I knew @ normal. From him I got a lot of knowledge about literature. He also gave me a lot of inspiration and passion to continue to keep my ideals to be a writer. Because in my opinion, can give us wisdom and wisdom in life.
I'm new in steemit, so I really hope my stemians friends give me some feedback and knowledge related to steemit.

Thanks to @elparsie for introducing me about steemit.

That is all and thank you.My best regards I made: @ good-karma, @damarth, @done, @bert0, @jerrybanfield, @lottobot, @louisthomas, @markperandin, @morkrock, @newenx, @, @rismanrachman, @stephenkendal, @ taskmaster4450, @ @themanualbot, @ virus707, @jesta, @ botmarley, @flauwy @exyle @esteemapp, @dragosroua, @curie, @cryptoctopus, @crytomaker, @c1h, @biophil, @berniesanders @adsactly @khaleelkazi @levycore @ @aiqabrago, @abduhawab, @pinacle, @ayijufridar, @arafatnur


I wish you much success and hope you find Steemit to be as rewarding and informative as I have.

Yes, I love Crpto too! Lots of detailed analysis on my blog along with some predictions

Here are some links you might find useful.
Your stats on SteemNow
Your stats on SteemWorld
Your stats on SteemD
How to use Minnow Booster
How does Steemit actually work?

Let me know if I can help.

Welcome to Steemit @azrilmaulana! Many blessings! @bycoleman

I will always visit your blog,
Thank you @bycoleman please support you for me @azrilmaulana

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Thank You! ⚜


I'm very happy you visited me in my blog and I hope so we will discuss about football many times in the future.Welcome to steemit @azrilmaulana

Best regards to Indonesia

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Hi @azrilmaulana

If you want me to always visit,Please follow me and upvote my article always.

imageYou have received upvote ! I am @gentasteem One of the steemit employees I will always give upvote To steemit users in Indonesia In order to grow faster. Follow me @gentasteem in Steemian

Hey I am Julie Alexander.I am from OZ.
Welcome to steem community
I love cryptos,If you own any cryptos then follow me I will follow you back so we discuss cryptos.
Thank you

Selamat bergabung di steemit, semoga anda mendapat vote yang banyak.

Ok thank you

Hello let's follow each other.. I'm a newbie also! Xoxo!

This post has received a 0.05 % upvote from @speedvoter thanks to: @azrilmaulana.

Welcome on steem mr @azrilmaulana .

We happy friends you .
Good luck mister .