Typically on a first post, we are supposed to introduce ourselves. Instead of introducing myself, I'm going to introduce you to a huge problem here on the Hive Blockchain. Who knows, you may already be familiar with this problem, but we need to address it as it's only getting worse by the day.

So what is this problem? Short answer: Hivewatchers - Don't forget to read their Abuse Guide & FAQ'S.
Now for the long answer..
Hivewatchers claims to runs a service that finds and fights plagiarism. In reality, they harass current users, scare off new users, and they rape and abuse the reward pool. Instead of supporting content creators, they pretend to be doing a service to just take a stupid amount of reward pool. This is supposed to be a decentralized platform, but Hivewatchers just wants control. Hivewatchers attacks new users instead of offering assistance or educating the individual.

Hivewatchers do NOT have any authority and it's bullshit that they are harassing new members and making them think that their little bullshit verification is a requirement. That is nothing more than taking advantage of the naive.
Take a look at these next two screenshots. They are from two completely different accounts posting the same content. Isn't this exactly what Hivewatchers is supposed to be against?!

You can't make this shit up! haha
Check the links -
- Post from the Steemcleaners account
- Post from the Hivewatchers account
The average content creator on Hive is not seeing anything close to the rewards that Hivewatchers is taking. Do your upcoming rewards look like this?
Check the links -
- Post from the Steemcleaners account
- Post from the Hivewatchers account
The average content creator on Hive is not seeing anything close to the rewards that Hivewatchers is taking. Do your upcoming rewards look like this?
You can look for yourself here.
So What is the plan with all this? This post at least gets the word out, but it's up to the community in regards to identifying if this is a problem or not. I'd like to continue to support this platform and assist those who need a bit of educating on the standards the community has for content. Let's bring back manual curation and support those who truly deserve it.

I'd really like to power up this account and put some attention on the content that flows through the 'recent' feed. We need to quickly downvote spam, but the problem is nobody with a decent stake sits around and scans the 'recent' page. I'd like to do this, but I will need the communities assistance in powering up this account. This account is open to all deligations/donations/tips and will be used in the best interest of Hive. I'd like to start a proposal to bring this idea to life. If successful, this would be Huge for Hive for a few reasons. It would clean up the platform, make it more inviting, and we would see a proposal that isn't run by a Hive Witness to show that anyone can put in the effort to make Hive the future of online social platforms. If someone wants to donate 10 Hive to start the proposal, I can promise you that it will go towards good use.
Welcome antihivewatchers!
Esteem is mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive.
We reward our users with encouragement upvotes as well as ESTM token.
Download Android: https://android.esteem.app, iOS: https://ios.esteem.app, desktop: https://desktop.esteem.app apps that helps you to gain new followers and stay connected with your friends, unique features - notifications, bookmarks, favorites, drafts, and more. Learn more: https://esteem.app Join our discord: https://discord.me/esteem
@steemcleaners changed its name to @hivewatchers after the hard fork.
They stopped making posts with the SteemCleaners brand after the rebranding. The last posts on SteemCleaner were in march.
It looks like they had a few days when they duplicated posts. Your are right. That was a big No No ... back in March.
There is a need for people to watch the watchers; So, I gave you an upvote. You were right about the short period of overlap.
If you love Steemit so much and are worried abotu Steemcleaners copying some posts there,
then go to Steemit and complain to lord Justin Sun that Steemcleaners account showed him a big fuck you and started shitposting on this thief's platform.
By the way. The above account "antihivewatchers" likely has been created by well known plagiarist and mass spammer/troll kgakakillerg/kggymlife
This has not been started by me if it was I would tell everyone also please show all the claims you have made about me lol 😂 I mean anyone can just look at your account and see what's going on you post complete garbage but get upvoted by the same people over and over how do you justify that
He is one of the original circle jerkers. It's all automated and will never stop.
Thanks for this. 😂😂😂👀 Update just got muted by @logic
Incorrect. I'm not a troll/spammer. I'm a regular user bringing light to a real problem.
You are the problem.
Did you get any traction with that? It is 2 years later and nothing has changed.
Great post I will support your proposal once it's up but if no one big support's it it's not going no where good luck 👍🏾 as you can see I've been blacklisted for a little honest mistake tried to appeal but still on the blacklist two months later I've sent countless messages on here to them but no response so it doesn't make sense to have people like this running a Blacklist like this and I 💯 agree someone needs to be watching them 👀 well a lot of people are but most are not doing anything
It's difficult when you have these huge whale accounts supporting their corrupt behavior. People don't speak up in fear of being downvoted, blacklisted, and silenced. I don't understand how this community will ever grow when this behavior is encouraged.