IQ metrics are abused on “the other side of the mean” and don’t perfectly correlate with genius or exceptional achievement. I will add a statement about this to my blog.
I realize you’re probably joking, but if your achievement has something to do with sleeping, dreaming, marijuana, or underdamped, maybe nature has a plan for you and a reason for you to exist. We’re not omniscient.
Seems Einstein’s depth and creativity of abstract conceptualization is what separated his genius from those who had higher (g factor) IQs than he did. This has also been noted by expert psychometricians w.r.t. to the Psychoticism which is posited to have been a source of Robert Wagner’s genius.
I think I also have a high level of creativity and a desire to for depth of conceptualization. After reading about Psychoticism temperament in the PEN model, I note that I have personality traits that seem to higher correlate with the description of Psychoticism temperament. Also I think that non-conformist temperament is captured in my very high 88% level of iNtuition (instead of Sensing) and the Perception (instead of quickly Judging) in my ENFP Myers-Briggs personality model score:
Indeed I have even corrected IQ tests for having more than one correct answer because I was able to think about the question from a different perspective which was equally or even more valid. (And not just those linked above) I have even been accused of being “bat shit crazy” because of this capability of mine. Also a smart and erudite evolutionary biologist with an interest in psychology had also noted that I seemed to have bipolar-like brain activity or highly elevated dopamine levels. Unfortunately since my gut TB and remnant liver and spleen cysts, I seem to often lack the sustained mental energies which gave me this capability. I seem to be mentally exhausted too often and struggling with mental exhaustion manifesting as discombobulated mental state.
If we culled the population by fungible measures of intelligence, the human species would become extinct because it would ossify, innovation would stagnate, and the division-of-labor would fail to inexorably trend to maximum. In short, fungible metrics are negentropic.
Apparently standardized aptitude tests don’t measure very well divergent thinking. On a divergent thinking IQ test, I seem to measure higher.
Some more related comments about creativity versus intelligence research.
I explained that I prefer to learn concepts before details and apply integrative thinking.
A higher average convergent IQ would not make democracy work better.
I wrote on Quora:
Quora doesn’t have a feature to enable us to find our old comments that were not a top-level answer. Thus for the time being I am finding a place to dump some of my comments here on Steem. Today I wrote: