I wrote on Quora:
Just be wary of ignoring the possibility of confirmation bias. Maybe the morale problem was also because you’re female. So you shared even less in common with males that joined to be fighting, macho soldiers, not abstracticians. They probably didn’t have much confidence in your ability to lead them in times of brutal violence when the women typically run away and hide.
I think you recognize it wasn’t their fault that you weren’t yet aware enough that you were subjecting them to your poor choices at that time. Okay I get the noble part that you wanted to serve your country, but you hadn’t yet conceptualized some basic things which you now in hindsight do. So how valuable was the utility of that 159 IQ?
This why I don’t view IQ as metric necessarily correlated to succeeding at attaining a goal. Very high IQ people still make dumb mistakes. And then try to blame it on IQ, lol. (I’m sort of teasing you, but also flipping your logic on its head)
I’ve come to believe that tasks have to matched to IQ and personality. If a task is too mundane the high IQ person won’t be engaged and contented.
Quora doesn’t have a feature to enable us to find our old comments that were not a top-level answer. Thus for the time being I am finding a place to dump some of my comments here on Steem. Today I wrote: