First post...Welcome to my current state of life?

in #intro9 years ago

What a life I live. First, I'm new to this game. The whole crypto currency thing has fascinated me but I've been on the outside just looking in; admiring from afar. I'm a jack of all trades and a master of none. I'm a little good at everything but not great at anything. Seems like crypto currency will be one of those things that I know enough about it to carry a conversation but not enough to be in the trenches. I have no idea what gas is, how to mine, how to transfer funds. Fuck, I'm not even sure how this site works but I'm in. I'm hoping to slowly learn more. This is an exciting time we are living in and I want to be one of the progressive ones to make things better rather than watch TV, and think everything is going to shit constantly.

About me. I'm in my mid 20s. I've worked since I was 16. I started at Best Buy at 16 and was thrown into a jungle during my first Black Friday. I could tell you stories of that day and how I managed to save our store with sales but it's another time maybe. I went to college to be a teacher. I always had a great experience in school and knew it was for me at a young age. I'm in the same school I went to, and it's been a dream come true. I work every day at a place I've always wanted to work in and I'm making a difference. No one likes math but I make sure they enjoy my class and for some reason my students actually like coming to math class and they work their buns off for me. I'm super lucky for this. I'm going for my masters to become a principal one day. I want to make a bigger impact.

I love sports. Ever since I was little I've always been watching, playing, interested in sports. My choice in teams are unusual but hey, it's who I love and support. I'm a New York Giants fan, Boston Red Sox, New York Rangers, and my newest obsession is Liverpool FC. I'll probably be spending a lot of posts raving and ranting about these teams or what is happening in these sports. Sports are the ultimate drama. It's unscripted but the storylines are better than most hollywood scripts. The passion is second to none. I see it with all my teams but Liverpool seems to bring the best out of it. Living on the east coast, I have to wake up sometimes at 7am on my day off to watch but I do it. That isn't even bad compared to my supporters on the west coast or Australia who are up in the early hours of the morning! It's insane!

I love food, I play guitar, I dabble in video games. These are my other passions. I'll definitely be talking more about the food, and video games part of my life. Especially video games. I actually run a retro video game club at school. It's pretty awesome getting a chance to teach and explain the evolution of video games to kids that have never seen or heard of a lot of these systems or games. The current state of gaming is boring to be honest. I'll get into this at a later date.

I really don't know what people want me to write about on here but my writing style is basic, and sometimes humorous. I once wrote a piece on another site relating the New York Jets to the cast of the Jersey Shore. Rex Ryan was of course Snooki. I'm sure I'll forget to punctuate properly or capitalize something but hey, I'm just writing as it comes to me. That's the beauty of blogging I guess. It's informal and it is whatever you want it to be.

If you're reading this, thanks. Hopefully you enjoy a little glimpse into who I am. Feel free to ask questions or tell me what you want to read about. Help me help you! I'm looking forward to steemit and being part of something that could be legendary.


Thanks for the upvote! Trying to figure this whole thing out!

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