So this is steemit… I’m told that the best place to start is with an introduction post so here goes…
I’ve only really done a day of reading to try to understand how this ecosystem works but what I've read has been interesting so here I am!
Name: Tríona
Nickname: Beanz
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Phone: lol jk call me ;)
First of all I’m one of the (estimated) 10% of Irish descent people who live in Ireland. And with that my favourite colour happens to be green. (That's what everybody here wants to know right. Colours are great!) Possibly not a coincidence either as I very much love this country and the people here. With family history involvement in the Rising against the British occupancy here 100 years ago I am a little obsessed with Irish history and heritage.
Other obsessions of mine include aerial arts, dance, healthy living, feminism (don’t let that scare you) and animal compilation videos (not by choice).
In case the feminism has scared you we’ll talk about that first. I’m not about to start posting a bunch on man-hating articles and lecturing people on why women should rule the world. Heavens no that’s too much responsibility for 51% of the population, thank you very much. You may have your own understanding of what it means to be a feminist but in my eyes feminism works best as a conversation. And that's all it is. A topic of contradictory views and opinions to be talked about (if you feel like it). Don’t let it frighten you. Conversations are not scary.
Anyway, that was just for anybody who dislikes the word. Moving on…
I mentioned first on the list Aerial Arts because this is my greatest passion. I am an aerialist. If you haven’t heard of aerial arts here are some photos of me training.
This takes us to my enthusiasm for dance and healthy living. When I tell people on Tinder (yeah I have no shame I’m in it) that I’m an aerialist the two things I hear most are “what’s that?” and “you must be really fit”. Well fitness is important to me. I do love to feel strong and I love learning what my body is capable of. I’m actually certified as a fitness instructor but contrary to what’s expected of me, I am not a fan of the gym! I believe in healthy living but not at the cost of life satisfaction. I love learning about cooking and nutrition but I don’t believe in depriving ourselves completely of naughty things and I resent the weight loss industry to an infuriating degree.
So what have I left out? Oh yeah! I’m not actually obsessed with animal compilation videos but according to the algorithm that fills my facebook feed, that’s all I want to see. Even though I resent the fact that that is what has become of my facebook, I scroll down wasting time watching every single one. You can’t pretend you don’t enjoy watching this.
So I love animals. So much so that I am currently accommodating 3 dogs that don’t belong to me. Well Pepsi sort of belongs to me. It was I who adopted her but then when I moved out of my parents my Mam couldn’t let her go. So instead she just lands her on me when she and my Dad go off on holiday. Biscuit belongs to my brother who is currently looking for a new place to live in Dublin. A difficult thing in the current climate without a dog never mind with one. And the third dog is 3 month old Flo the future Guide dog for the blind. I have the pleasure of training her for a about a year to be followed by the grief of giving her up to fulfill her duties as I have trained her to.
So these 3 accompany me in my home during the day, until the evening when up to 5 other people join me. I live in a 3 bedroom bungalow currently occupied by 6 people and 3 dogs. I actually live alone normally. The other 5 people and 3 dogs are all guests. I host guests in my home in the suburbs just outside Dublin through Airbnb. So I regularly meet people from many different parts of the world which has been quite a fulfilling experience that I expect I will keep up for many years to come.

If I work hard enough, my dream for the future is to work as a primary school teacher by day, an aerialist by night, and running my self built massive home (this is the dream remember) as a B’n’B.
If there is anything here you found particularly interesting please leave a comment and I will make the effort to go into further detail in another post for you all. I have a vacation in Amsterdam coming up that I will probably write about. I’m meeting my parents over there who are also writing a blog @letsgetlost you might find interesting.
Welcome beanz! Loved your story! And what you do is awesome! They say if your doing what you love, you will never work a day in your life! 👍💞👌
This is so true. And what I love is flying and climbing and getting high (not that kinda high lol)
Welcome Triona! :) Steemit needs more #girlpower !! Nice introduction, I liked that you put a video also :) you could use some stickers to brand your future content, could you? :D I just made a post where I send free stickers to people:
Welcome @beanz!
(My sister, FYI)
Awww cutest intro ever.
Awesome, good luck with steemit :)
Thanks! Is it going well for you?
Just started, going well for my friends so i figured id give it a shot too!
No content from me yet, might start uploading art or photography related content in the future.
I read that the best time to post is 4pm GMT. I accidently clicked enter as I was tagging lol. Feel free to link your post here when you have it done :)
Hey beanz, welcome! Cool that your parents are here too. Did they refer you or did you refer them? :) They're already beating you in blogs!
I'm looking forward to seeing what you post here. Followed.
It was actually my brother who recruited the rest of the family. They got on board before I did because it happened to be a good time for them as they know exactly what they could blog about.
I've always wanted to start a blog but been unsure about it. Just a confidence thing maybe.
Maybe they'll be the ones to recruit the older generations!!I do have pretty cool parents though lol @letsgetlost
@beanz Awesome post I upvoted you and thanks for stopping by and giving me an upvote as well. I really appreciated it!
is there a mr. beanz
Haha there's a Mr Bean you may remember from your childhood haha
Nice to meet you! i am new to steemit and also an aerialist , i will be following you~<3
Excellent!! Nice to meet you too. If you meet any more aerialists let me know maybe we could do a really cool steemit aerial training meetup and get an aerial tag going ;)
Welcome to Steemit. Nice to meet you and thanks for commenting on mine beanz!
Hello! Excellent #photo!
Next photoshoot
photoshoot Anime Come to visit me. I'm a #photographer, and vote my photos:
Parable about the photographer
Upvoted! Check out my post.
Really interesting view! Thanks for sharing.
Abuse is indeed inevitable. This whole thing is still so new it will be really interesting to watch as it evolves.
Your post is on a roll!
Welcome))I love your story too)))
Welcome to steemit!
Thank you :)
Looking forward to seeing where it will go
Probably to more steemit!
Great to have you here:) Happy Steeming from @arcaneinfo!!!
Thanks happy steeming to you too :)
greetings from Russia! You're very interesting, would love to read your blog:) I Wish you success in your activities. Your Pets are very cute:)
Welcome Beanz! Love those dogs... thanks for sharing :)
Keep on spinning!!
Haha I will! I just got the pole up after finishing the extension on my bedroom. So excited to finally have it up!
i like your video introduction
Thanks! It didn't take too long to edit either! I'll try to keep the videos going.
Welcome to the Steemit community!
Nice skills at the pole ..and very cute dogs!
Have fun in Amsterdam.. :)
Thanks so much! Let me know if you'd be interested in seeing more of them :)
Hi Tríona, welcome to Steemit. Good first post (mine was boring and crap) and I learned some lessons too along this 'steemit highway' ;-)
Im not too sure but I have been hanging around steemit for nearly 2 months now and I havent seen too many fellow Irish citizens, probably about 4 that I know of but that will change as you know. Anyways, you sure do have an interesting life so blog, blog blog and good luck with it. regards johnny, formely Tyrone now Antrim ;-)
Possibly nothing on their posts to actually show they're Irish but they are :)
I've posted this on facebook and told my friends about the whale I must have caught so hopefully I'll start recruiting more Irish steemers with it :)Thanks Johnny! My family are the only other Irish I know so far. @demotruk @manipulable @letsgetlost
Hey @johnnyd, any interest in an Irish SteemIt meetup?
Sorry, I JUST saw that. Something came up regarding 'family'. Back online now. I sent you a comment on you last post for you to contact me somehow for a skype chat. Please ping me. all cool dude and thanks for reaching out to me as our american cousins would say.
No decision made yet. The four people I tagged in the post before are all that have showed interest. We said we'd use the tag 'dublinmeetup' to organise, but there's also a SteemIt group now which should be useful for organising.
If you want to go ahead and get it started, message myself, @condra, @beanz and @mick1187 and I'll upvote/comment your post.
Welcome! Where did you get the beanz nickname from?
Well that is an interesting story (not really lol)
When we were in school together and she was asked "why do you call her Beanz?" she would say because she has ginger hair".
A few years later the answer to the same question was "because she keeps farting".
Now, to my embaressment if asked she'll say "because she's always flicking her bean".....
So you can see we've done a lot of growing up since I got the Basically I have a very entertaining hip attachment who I have been friends with for many years called @aoife
Haha, yes the maturity level is rising XD
Great to have you here, you have a very witty, entertaining personality!
Can confirm oceans are cold, welcome aboard!
It's ok I brought a wetsuit :p
Our puppies would be so cute playing together!! Awe, lol WELCOME
That dog looks so tiny oh my god!!! Does s/he fit in your pocket?? O.O
So cute!!
He used to but now he weighs about 7lbs. =)
OOO You a talant! Thank for your post!
Have you seen this T? It'll make you cry.... its amazing 'idea'/useage of steemit... check it out & SHARE..
Wow thanks for sharing! That's great what they're doing!! And I love to see the updates, I will be following :)
Hey Irish guy! Dublin meetup! Be there! ;)
Welcome beenz. My latest post titled Minnows In Whales Clothing.
My other recent posts titled The Emotional Roller Coaster of Investing and The Power Of Minnows.
Vote with your steem dollars.
thank you for liking my post
welcome aboard friend,
yes I finally figured it out and Im here and voting thank you for your help on Facebook xx check me out jellyfish but you dont have to i was probably to honest and now Im enbaressed
Haha I think I know who this is. Welcome to the community :D xx
Welcome Beanz! Crazy things you can do with your balance...
Check out system1 story:
Aren't most people in Ireland of Irish descent?
I meant in the world. between 80-90% of Irish people were not born in Ireland. We have a massive population of emmigration from over the centuries.
Welcome to Steemit
Welcome to the community!
Nice to meet you)
Upvote for you hun. ;)
We in Ukraine are very hot ...

Love your three canine fans....s
Haha to think you used to not like dogs
Oh, please, tell me this network wont become a "get paid to get likes about you".
It'll become a mecca for attention w*oring.
That flower is enchanting lol Thank you so much <3