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RE: Net Neutrality: The Battle for Internet Freedom, and Why It Matters

in #internet7 years ago

I've been calling Congress and Tweeting for months over this issue. So grateful you managed to clearly explain this and emphasize how important this is. EVERYONE needs to be involved and NOT LET THIS PASS! All the freedoms we have online will change and be dictated by money. I'm not overstating how important this issue is. We are very, very close to the vote. Take 5 minutes, use the links above or ask if you need help, call your representatives and emphasize your stance and how you want them to vote! WE ELECT THEM, and if the majority of their voting constituents tell them where we stand, it would not be in their best interests, come next election year, to go against us. This only works if we each do our part! Thank you @mooncryption for helping :)