What is DarkWeb or DeepWeb ???

in #internet7 years ago


The Dark Web is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that exist on an encrypted network and cannot be found by using traditional search engines or visited by using traditional browsers.The Dark Web is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that exist on an encrypted network and cannot be found by using traditional search engines or visited by using traditional browsers.
Almost all sites on the so-called Dark Web hide their identity using the Tor encryption tool. You may know Tor for its ability to hide your identity and activity. You can use Tor to spoof your location so it appears you're in a different country to where you're really located, making it much like using a VPN service.

The internet which we use in our daily lifes is only a 4% of the whole internet other 96% Estimated part of the internet is called DarkWeb Or DeepWeb. sound like scary?

Why Darkweb Is made?
The dark web—which utilizes a technology created by military researchers in the 1990s to allow intelligence operatives to exchange information completely anonymously—is unknown to many. It's been said to be a breeding ground for organized crime, sex traffickers, and hackers. But it's also used by good actors, including whistle-blowers and activists.

Why Darkweb Is Illegal To Surf ?
Because in the darkweb if you have money power you can do whatever you want to do?
Human trafficking.
Drug Smuggling.
Buying Human Organs.
Hire a Killer or Shooters.
Child Pornography.
Illegal information (credit cards, passports,Fake identity).
Illegal weapons.
Live murders.

What The Relationship Of CryptoCurrency With Darkweb?

The dark web has flourished thanks to bitcoin, the crypto-currency that enables two parties to conduct a trusted transaction without knowing each other’s identity. Bitcoin has been a major factor in the growth of the dark web, and the dark web has been a big factor in the growth of bitcoin says Tiquet.

Before the crypto Darkweb uses Fiat currency payments method for their purposes which is unsafe for illegal activites because any body can track the transaction and cannot be anonymous completely.
But after the Crypto currency like Bitcoin or etc this problem is solved because nobody can track these transaction because it is peer to peer transactions so the whole darkweb is using crypto for their transaction purposes so nobody can track their identity.