Many people have become accustomed to the idea that the internet is just google,and then other sites. In a whole month, the sites visited by most individuals do not revolve past a certain 5 or 6 sites, most people worldwide, visiting facebook at least once per day
With so many using it, google is seen as the front page of the internet, its even integrated into browsers like firefox, opera, ucweb, and of cause chrome.
Any thing you can think of can be found within 2 clicks.
But just like a windows system which gives you access to surface level information, but full root and command access is notoriously locked behind the OS, the web, accessible by most conventional tools, only gives access to content from the surface of the internet.
The DEEP and DARK web
Kids born from the 2000s upward might not remember, but there was a time in which the internet was young and unprepared,when people would upload any files they deemed fit, and some illegal tradings were going on.
a chart showing the percentage of people who want the dark web gone
Slowly but surely, the authorities took over most of these sites or banned. With the massive crackdown on these site, traders, merchants of the illegal kinds sort to find a way to move things up and away from the visible web.
For many users, browsing the visible surface web is all they need, for users craving anomisity though, the dark web is their home.
Access & interaction
The dark web can be accessed the easiest way through tor browser.
Tor uses "onion" instead of http or www as a link to the site you wish to visit.
Gettining the onion address of many sites is very difficult, either by paying or by personal interaction with members already in it.
If you wish for a More . . technical definition;
.onion is a special-use top level domain suffix designating an anonymous hidden service reachable via the Tor network. Such addresses are not actual DNS names, and the .onion TLD is not in the Internet DNS root, but with the appropriate proxy software installed, Internet programs such as web browsers can access sites with .onion addresses by sending the request through the network of Tor servers.
Your one stop shop for all things legal and illegal
Many associate the dark and deep web with drugs, crime and jail time, thinking that simply the fact being gere is against the law, and while surfing the dark web does have its thrills, its nothing like what you may have heard
be careful while searching content, as its often said, "on the dark web, youre only always two click away from a jailable offence
While tgese things are true, many news and leaks from goverbment and/or official soyrces, have also come from there.
I find the dark and deep web a buffer to the highly regulated and controlled suface web.
Cryptocurrency and the darkweb
With the rise in currencies and people who reject a centralized market, it is no wonder that the dark and deep web have accepted bitcoin, and in some cases, litcoin and etherium, as theur curencies of choice.
Any transaction can be made through the use of
Cryptocurrency in the deep web.
A prime example would be the use of bitcoin as a meansnof colpecting ransome money from companies earlier this year when a ransomware virus struck computers.
The fact that cryptocurriencies can currently not be tracked effectively, is one reason why the dark net community have accepted it.
Wishing to say more, but watching my battery dwindle, ill leave it at this.
The dark web, a place with no law, no rules, and no leadership
Images without source are gotten from pexel and pixabay
great info about deep web👍👍🙈
thanks a lot.
I remember what the internet was like before google, I was able to go all over the place, but now with google like you said, its just a few web sites to go to. I do find it hard looking for information with google they give you what they want you to see.
I'd like to explore the dark web, I downloaded tor last year but never bothered to install it, didnt really have the time to go through the 2 usb install process. Looking forward to more when you charge your phone.
The good old days if you ask me, ya, im charged up 100% now.
Tor doesnt need two usb install, i mean ?? how
I have been using tor now, over a year, just download, and youre in. By default it gives you access to onion sites and all that. It uses a stripped version of firefox thats able to access all the dark web goodies you can think off.
I get what i want done, in and out, like the cliche saying goes.
As a rule, I dont run tor on my normal system, i have a seperate sytem that does all my dark web movements, and its off the grid totally.
Not that I do anything illegal though, im just fasicinated in the ability to surf anonymously, i avoid obvious red flag sites and stay within the "safe" deep web.
They cant kill the darkweb, it consist of about 80% of the internet!
Most leaks and exposures about corrupt regimes have come from they, so its safe to say that its useful, in rating out bad g uys.
Ya, i discovered that darknet drug services are way purer than what is gotten on the street, unfortunately, thst means they are much more deadly, one might not die of impurities, bu ODing is a safe assumption.