Internet Used And Now

in #internet7 years ago

History at a Glance Internet Development

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is the backbone of Web 2.0 applications. The development of Information and Communication Technology is phenomenal and the beginning of the emergence of web applications is the Internet. Internet that started from research for defense and security as well as education developed into a very influential business support tool. In connection with this Web 2.0 application, there are several important events in internet history.
Beginning in 1957, through the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), the United States is committed to developing an integrated communication network that connects the scientific community and military purposes. This was motivated by the cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union (in 1957 the Soviets launched sputnik).

The first major development of the Internet was the most important discovery of ARPA that is packet switching in 1960. Packet switching is the delivery of messages that can be broken down in small packets that each packet can go through different path alternatives if one of the paths is broken to achieve a predetermined destination. Packet switching also allows the network to be used simultaneously to make multiple connections, unlike the telephone lines that require a dedicated line to connect. So when the ARPANET became a national computer network in the United States in 1969, packet switching was used in its entirety as its communication method replaced the circuit switching used on public telephone lines.

The second major development of the Internet recorded in the history of the internet is the development of the most popular network protocol layer currently used by TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). A protocol is a set of rules for interconnection. The protocol was developed by Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf in 1974. With a standard and widely agreed protocol, local networks scattered in various places can be interconnected to form a massive network even today reaching the whole world. Network using internet protocol is what is often referred to as the Internet network.
The ARPANET network grew ever since then and began to be managed by the private sector in 1984, the more universities joined and commercial companies began to enter. The TCP / IP protocol is a commonly agreed protocol so that it can communicate with each other on this internet network.

The third major development of the Internet was the building of the World Wide Web application in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee. This World Wide Web (WWW) application becomes the content that all internet users look forward to. WWW makes all users can share a variety of applications and content, and interconnect materials spread across the internet. Since that time the Internet user growth skyrocket.

The development of the Internet Today
Understanding the Internet
The development of the internet today is very rapid. Literally, the internet (short for interconnected-networking) is a series of computers connected in several circuits. When the Internet (the letter 'I' large) is a public computer system, which globally and use TCP / IP as packet switching communication protocol (packet switching communication protocol). The largest Internet series is called the Internet. How to connect the circuit with this method is called internetworking.
The Internet is an interconnected global computer network system that uses the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks composed of millions of private, community, academic, and local government businesses for a global scope network that is linked by a wide range of electronic and optical networking technologies. The Internet brings a vast array of information and services sources, especially hypertext inter-linked documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and infrastructure to support electronic mail.
Most traditional communication media, such as telephones and televisions, are redefined and redefined using Internet technology, resulting in services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and IPTV. Newspaper publishing has changed its face to websites, blogs, and web feeds. The Internet has enabled or accelerated the creation of new forms of human interaction through instant messaging, Internet forums, and social networking sites. The Internet's origins reach back to research in the 1960s, both commissioned by the United States government to develop projects from military agencies to build robust, error-tolerant, and distributed computer networks as well as private research. This research and the new US civil backbone funding period by the National Science Foundation, as well as private funding for the commercial backbone spawned worldwide participation in the development of new network technologies and led to a great deal of network merging. Commercialization of international networks in the mid-1990s, resulted in popularization following countless applications in almost every aspect of modern human life. In 2009, an estimated quarter of Earth's inhabitants used the services of the Internet.
Logically the Internet network is divided into multiple domains, which by IPv4 standard (Internet Protocol version 4) are identified through 32 bit IP numbers or 4 binary numbers separated by dots (such as
Standard domain types include:
.com = commercial organization
.edu = educational institution in America
.ac = academic institution
.gov = government institution
.mil = military organization
.net = network access provider
.org = non-profit organization
Besides, the domain is also divided by country, for example:
.au = Australia
.ca = Canada
.id = Indonesia
.jp = Japan
.my = Malaysia
.sw = Sweden
.th = Thailand
Some things related to the internet are:
WWW (World Wide Web) is part of the fastest growing and most popular Internet. WWW is a network of thousands of computers that are categorized into two namely: client and server. Two things to note are web server software and web browser software. HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that defines the rules that web browsers and web servers need to follow. HTTP is the standard protocol used in accessing HTML documents. URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a means to determine information on a web server. The URL can be likened to an address. The URL consists of:
The protocol used by a browser to retrieve information.
The name of the computer (server) where the information is located.
Path or path and file name of an information.

Example URL:
http is the protocol used is the hostname or server of the computer where the information sought is
football is the path or path of information sought.
index.php is the name of the file where the information is located.
The Internet has no centralized government either in the implementation of technology or policies for access and use; every constituent network sets its own standards. It only goes beyond the definition limits of the two major namespaces on the Internet, Internet Protocol address space and the Domain Name System, which is directed by the organizational organization, Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). The technical basis and standardization of core protocols (IPv4 and IPv6) is the activity of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), a non-profit organization of loosely affiliated international participants that anyone can associate with by contributing technical expertise.
when viewed in terms of writing, there are two meanings of the internet, namely:
The internet network (the small "i" letter as the initial letter) is a computer network in which connected computers can communicate even though different hardware and software (often called internet-working)
Internet Networks (large "I" letters as initial letters) are networks of networks of networks consisting of millions of computers that can communicate with each other using the same computer network protocol (protocol) rules. The protocol used is Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol (TCP / IP). The first term (with the letter "i" small) is a term used in the early days of the Internet. Along with the widespread use of the internet, the second term (with the letter "I" large) received by Internet users. Writing was changed. From using large "I" to small "i". With the inter-network communication on the Internet, every computer in the world can be linked to one another. This is what causes the internet communication is highly decent. Because Internet use knows no national borders, economic status, ideology and other factors that can usually hinder communication and information exchange in the real world. For this reason, some people call the Internet a revolution in technology and information.
History of the Internet
Internet history began in 1969 when the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) decided to conduct research on how to connect a number of computers to form an organic network. This research program is known as ARPANET.
In 1970, more than 10 computers were successfully connected to each other so that they could communicate with each other and form a network. In 1972, Roy Tomlinson succeeded in perfecting the e-mail program he created a year ago for the ARPANET. This e-mail program is so easy that it instantly becomes popular.
In the same year, the @ icon was also introduced as an important symbol that shows "at" or "on". in 1973, the ARPANET computer network began to be developed outside the United States. The University College computer in London was the first computer outside the United States to become a member of the Arpanet network. In the same year, two computer experts Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn presented a larger idea, which became the forerunner of Internet thinking. This idea was presented for the first time at the University of Sussex.
The next historic day was March 26, 1976, when the Queen of England managed to send an e-mail from Royal Signals and Radar Establishment in Malvern. A year later, more than 100 computers joining the ARPANET formed a network or network. In 1979, Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin, created the first newsgroups named USENET. In 1981 France Telecom created a breakthrough by launching the first television phone, where people can call each other while dealing with video links.
As the computers that make up the network are getting more and more numerous, it needs an official protocol that is recognized by all networks. In 1982 formed Transmission Control Protocol or TCP and Internet Protocol or IP that we all know. Meanwhile in Europe there emerged a counter computer network known as Eunet, which provides computer network services in the Netherlands, UK, Denmark and Sweden. The Eunet Network provides USENET e-mail and newsgroup services.

To uniform the address in the existing computer network, then in 1984 introduced a domain name system, which we now know the DNS or Domain Name System. Computers that are connected to an existing network already exceed 1000 computers more. In 1987 the number of computers connected to the network jumped 10-fold to 10,000 more. In 1988, Jarko Oikarinen of Finland discovered and introduced IRC or Internet Relay Chat. A year later, the number of interconnected computers jumped 10-fold in a year. No less than 100,000 computers now form a network. The year 1990 was the most historic year, when Tim Berners Lee invented a program editor and browser that could navigate between one computer and another, which formed the network. This program is called www, or Worl Wide Web. In 1992, computers connected to each other form a network has surpassed a million computers, and in the same year surfaced the term surf the internet. In 1994, the internet site has grown to 3000 page addresses, and for the first time virtual-shopping or e-retail appeared on the internet. The world is changing instantly. In the same year Yahoo! founded, which is also the birth of Netscape Navigator 1.0.
Current Internet
The Internet is guarded by bi- or multilateral agreements and technical specifications (protocols describing data movement between circuits). These protocols are formed based on the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), which is open to the public. The Agency issues documents recognized as RFCs (Request for Comments). Some of the RFCs are made Internet Standards (Internet Standard), by the Internet Architecture Board (Internet Architecture Board - IAB). Commonly used Internet protocols such as IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, PPP, SLIP, ICMP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH, Telnet, FTP, LDAP and SSL. Some of the popular services on the Internet that use the above protocols are e-mail, Usenet, Newsgroup, File Sharing, WWW (World Wide Web), Gopher, Session Access, WAIS, finger, IRC, MUD, and MUSH. Amongst all this, email / e-mail and World Wide Web are more frequently used, and more services are built on them, such as mailing lists and Weblogs. The Internet enables real-time services, such as web radio, and webcasts, accessible worldwide. Also via the Internet it is possible to communicate directly between two or more users via instant messaging programs like Camfrog, Pidgin (Gaim), Trilian, Kopete, Yahoo! Messenger, MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger. Some popular Internet services that are based on a closed system (Proprietary System), are like IRC, ICQ, AIM, CDDB, and Gnutella.
Internet culture
A large and growing number of Internet users have embodied the Internet culture. The Internet also has a great influence on science, and the worldview. With only a search engine like Google, users around the world have easy Internet access for a variety of information. Compared to books and libraries, the Internet symbolizes the dissemination of information and data to the extreme. The development of the Internet has also affected the economic development. Previously traded transactions can only be done by face-to-face (and some very small by post or by phone), now very easily and often done over the Internet. This Internet transaction is known as e-commerce. Related to the government, the Internet also triggers the growth of transparency of government implementation through e-government such as in Sragen regency which in fact has succeeded in increasing local revenue by utilizing the Internet for transparency of public fund management and bureaucracy cuts, so that the people in the area are very profitable, civil servants can also improve their welfare because local revenues are increasing sharply.

Internet order
Just like a community, the Internet also has certain rules, known as Nettiquette or in Indonesian known as netiquette. For Indonesia in addition to social rules on the Internet also enacted the rules (UU ITE).
Moral issues and laws
There is public concern about the Internet culminating in some of the controversial material in it. Violations of copyright, pornography, identity theft, and hate speech, are common and difficult to maintain. Until 2007, Indonesia still does not have Cyberlaw, whereas the draft of Cyberlaw draft academy has been discussed since 2000 by Ditjen Postel and Deperindag. The law that is still related to information technology and telecommunications is the Telecommunication Law of 1999. Internet is also blamed by some people because it is considered to be the cause of death. Brandon Vedas died of a drug overcrowding with the passion of his IRC chat buddies. Shawn Woolley committed suicide because of his addiction to online games, Everquest. Brandes was stabbed to death, and was eaten by Armin Meiwes after answering ads on the Internet.
Internet access
Countries with the best Internet access include South Korea (50% of the population has broadband access - Broadband), and Sweden. There are two common forms of Internet access, namely dial-up, and wider path. In Indonesia, like a developing country where Internet access and PC penetration is quite high with the support of cheap Internet and cheap netbooks, it's just that in Indonesia operators are less fair in determining the price and there is even one operator who deliberately create a "trap" Internet users pay more for up to millions of dollars !!, others about 42% of Internet access through Public Internet access facilities such as internet cafes, cybercafes, hotspots etc. Other public places that are often used for Internet access are on campus and in the office.
Besides using a PC (Personal Computer), we can also access the Internet via Mobile (HP) using a facility called GPRS (General Packet Radio Service). GPRS is one of the standard wireless communication (wireless) that has a connection speed of 115 kbps and supports wider applications (graphics and multimedia). GPRS technology is accessible that supports the facility. Setting up GPRS on mobile Depending on the operator (Telkomsel, Indosat, XL, 3) used. The cost of Internet access is calculated through the amount of capacity (per-kilobite) downloaded.
The purpose of the Internet
Initially, the internet and various facilities in it have the following objectives:
As a medium to transfer files
The transfer of files in question is to access another remote server, either anonymous FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or non anonymous FTP.
As a means of sending a letter (email).
As a letter of learning and education.
As a means for sales or marketing.
Perform mailing lists, newsgroups, and conferences.
Mailing lists or newsgroups are used to conduct online discussions in a particular forum to discuss certain issues for netter (internet users) who have similar issues and topics.
Chatting is a means of internet used to communicate directly through writing or oral.
Search engine
Search engine is a facility provided by certain sites to facilitate the search or tracking of information we need quickly.
To send SMS to mobile phone.
Means of entertainment and games.
Share file use.
Store multimedia files such as audio, photos, documents, and videos
Make friends / find friends both local and foreign with social networking sites.
Channels creative ideas through blogging ideas.
But gradually, the initial purpose of internet facilities has been deviated so as to provide various impacts, both positive and negative for the community, especially students.

The development of the Internet
Finally, the internet is expected to help accelerate the development of education. Education is more advanced and qualified. In turn, education can help educate the life of the nation. A smart nation will help improve people's welfare.
Apart from the positive impact, the internet also negatively impacts the students. Trying to catapult a discourse and facts about a new problem in big cities that also can not be underestimated. Although still a form of early symptoms, but if not addressed it will certainly develop into a "chronic disease" is increasingly difficult to overcome. nowadays there has been a shift in the profile of internet users as well as the shifting orientation of its utilization. The largest internet users today are the junior high school students followed by high school students and among the students ranks third (except in the cafe adjacent to the campus). There are interesting phenomenon that is started the ramp of SD students play internet and have "brave" sticking in internet corner. The parents of this time must be "willing" to spend more to meet the wishes of his children to play the internet either at home or in the cafe. Hope the parents would want to the children are not outdated and with the internet play the child can get smarter. But is that right?
The more prevalent internet users on the one hand is very encouraging, but the shift in the orientation of internet usage has been very alarming. In my observation, junior, senior high school and elementary students (> 75%) use the internet "only" to play games and chat. And on average they are willing to spend 3-5 hours / day by spending money Rp.7000 - Rp.30.000 / hari to play the internet. And strangely the activity is supported by the parents. The shift in internet usage orientation has not been captured by the parents, so every child asks for any money to play the internet is always given. And what happens is there is no element of any education that can be obtained from playing games and chatting. It's not all students only use the internet to play games and chat. Indeed, among them also use the internet for the means of seeking knowledge, but who do that number is not much. Games and chats can bring an "addictive" effect. And when it is addicted certainly side effects will make children become lazy to learn, lazy to review and every opportunity always trying to play games and chat. The negative impact of game play is almost the same as the impact of Play Station game where someone who is addicted will feel at home all day play and even forget to eat, forget to drink and forget that tomorrow is still there. While the effect of playing games may be described with the game intercom that rampant about 20 years ago. Where almost everyone "forget the mainland" and every day work only play intercom (if already holding the mic then people tend to be lazy to go to school, lazy to go to work, lazy petrified parents, lazy to eat lazy eating, lazy drinking and so on). Likewise with chatting .. the students who do this activity considers the time 5 hours equals 10 minutes. And they tend to use chat to just chatting here and there with friends on the internet and even did not close the possibility also leads to porn talks. The effect of this game and chatting game is even more dangerous than our worries about 5 years ago about the rampant porn sites. Because based on observations, it turns out porn sites only affect the euphoria and in a short time they will be bored. But the effect of games and chats is "Effect Candu" which can make users become addicted and this is very dangerous for our education. Some incidents in Indonesia show there is a case of rape by a friend chat, fraud by a chat friend.
As part of Information Technology, the Internet is like a double-edged knife. On the one hand, this technology can be useful when used to do good and useful things, such as: searching for school lessons, subject discussions, finding scholarship programs, consulting with experts, learning distance, and looking for teaching methods based multimedia. But unfortunately the use of the Internet actually shifted to the negative things and this should be the attention of all components of society. Because however we still need the internet as a means of information and communication that is global, but on the other hand we also must be ready to anticipate to overcome the negative impacts. And this is our common problem.

As long as these are still in the form of symptoms, it would be nice for the government, the DPRD, the education world, the "IT" observer and the social community observers to sit together to discuss and find solutions to overcome them. "Viruses" that make them "addicted" and "virus" that can trap them into a problem. The most important is how we package this technology in order to have educational content but still interesting to be visited by the students as internet users (netter) majority at this time. But still all will be returned again to the netter, because the positive and negative impact of the internet depends on the user's intentions.

The Internet Development Past and Present

Like it or not, the impact of the reform era of 1998 did have a significant impact on the development of telecommunications, informatics and the Internet. The tyranny and monopoly of the former regime seemed completely removed from the reforms.

And as the opening of trade doors and information flows, the former service may only be enjoyed by some elites and moneyed people can now be enjoyed by the wider community, call it cable TV subscription service.

Yes, technological progress has developed very rapidly in various lines of life, especially the internet. The development of the internet is very much more developed than 11 years ago. Let's take a moment to look back on the past of the Internet world.

Access Media

In the past, dial up using a fixed telephone network was the single most sensible access medium for individuals to connect to the internet from home or work. Even the internet cafes also rely on dial-up as a medium of Internet connection.

Internet service providers are starting to grow one by one. Indonet is one of the pioneers for this which is then followed by other internet service companies. Until one day was born TelkomNet Instan, where with models like this customers with easier to dial-up without the need to register. Maximum speed of dial-up is only 57 Kbps.


At that time the content providers are still limited to provide only information in the same direction, although there are some providers of interactive content (forum) and social networking, call it,,, and others. The size of the page ranges from 50 KB-100 KB per page, this may still be caused because the access used majority still use dial-up modem with speed 57 Kbps.

Overseas content is still dominated by free email service providers such as Yahoo,, eudoramail, multicity.

Social Networking

ICQ is one of the most popular chat apps, other than Yahoo Messenger for sure. ICQ is one of the pioneers of chat application that can transfer file, conference and send voice. MSN Messenger is also still a favorite chat app. Not to forget MIRC, one of these chat apps really become an idol, especially the Warnet visitors who feel at home a few hours just to chat on MIRC, formerly there was the term: "ASL please ...." (Age Sex Location), the term when we will get acquainted with our chating opponents.

Terminal OS
Desktop! That's the majority of terminals used for online activities at that time. Laptops are still very rarely used because the price is time very far from affordable. Windows 98 is the most popular OS (Operating System) at that time. Linux is still very rarely used, at that time Linux is still regarded as a dark world OS by some people because confused after installing Linux then what should be done.

Then after that, slowly but surely the advancement of telecommunication technology as if true step on the gas. Various innovations are born and can quickly be enjoyed in the earth. Cellular technology is one of the triggers of such technology advancement.

Previously the public was quite happy with the pager (read: pejer) so it had become a trend for a while before finally died on a regular basis because evicted by the more innovative services from the service provider. The same conditions also occur in the Internet world, old technology that does not want to evolve to be displaced.

Let's see the development of the Internet world today

Access Media

Dial up, indeed this media is still there and can still be used today, even the internet service providers still sell the service. But slowly but surely other access media that promise quality and competitive price make dial-up may be the last option if we will connect to the Internet.

For dedicated corporate customers Leased Line or wireless media is the most widely selected for their offices to connect with a high level of reliability.

Even in office buildings in Jakarta fiber optic is the first menu as a media liaison to the Internet. For the private / personal media wireless from the service provider seems to be the main choice to be connected to the Internet anytime anywhere.

The free / paid wi-fi hotspot service is also selected by the customers as it is believed to provide sufficient quality. In some residential areas in Jakarta, internet connection provided by one of the cable TV service providers became an option to connect to the Internet.

Likewise ADSL technology is carried by one of the incumbent telecommunications service providers. But because of the limited infrastructure they have

The development of the Internet In Indonesia Today

In the current era of perinternetan then needed a website in support of this virtual world business. We know that with the internet everything seems unlimited between space and time. All dimensions are exceeded by the media whose name is website and internet.
The development of cyberspace in Indonesia is indeed quite proud, especially with government support is very cooperative. The government also made a concrete step in developing the internet in Indonesia. Just look at now many villages that have affordable internet for now, is not all villages affordable all internet. But eventually will surely materialize the country of Indonesia is growing with the internet. It may be said that the Internet entered the village, like electricity first into the village.
Seeing these developments with the support of the government then it is fitting Internet media in front. The prospect of internet is so good to make the internet business players are also rapidly growing. Many new businessmen are emerging and old businessmen are growing.
As a developing country indeed the internet world is still far behind with developed countries such as japan and america. Its name is just a developing country. In the developed world is everything is now online. Even buying and selling was more done online through the internet media. Just imagine we just sit in front of the computer and everything is connected to the internet. Live click-click and everything straight away. It's too much of a breeze if we want to be like any other developed country, but at least the government supports it. Now there are already done online, such as cpns registration, buying and selling, and all kinds. Let's wait for the development of the internet in Indonesia in the future.
The development of internet in Indonesia today is very helpful in the development of every dimension of life in the world. It is right now we are optimizing the potential of the internet to advance the nation and state. Continue to continue the development of the internet in Indonesia. Let us be a healthy internet user.
Benefit, Positive Impact, And Negative Internet
Benefits of the Internet - are you looking for a positive impact of the Internet, the Negative Impact of the Internet and the Benefits of the Internet? Well, here Tourworldinfo Community will discuss a little about the Internet. Whether or not the dampat of the internet depends on how people use it. The Internet is like a gigantic library where all the information can get.

Benefits of Internet Negative Positive Impact of the Internet.

Nowadays people are familiar with the internet. Especially since the development of mobile technology in Indonesia, where almost all the existing HP facilities to surf the internet virtual world. How can we benefit from the internet and what are the positive and negative impacts of internet technology?

Internet stands for interconnected-networking is a global system of all existing networks through computers and interconnected by using the standard Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP). This is to serve all internet users around the world. Internet with the use of the letter 'I' large, is a system of public computers, which have been connected globally by using TCP / IP as a protocol for packet data exchange (packet switching communication protocol). The whole series of the largest Internet is called the Internet. While how to connect the circuit with this system is called internetworking.

Benefits of the Internet

The name of technology slalu has a negative and positive impact. Included also about the internet. Since almost all information can be easily accessed and searched, the internet will also provide positive benefits if users use it or use it positively as well. If the first internet users are limited to people who do business or company companies only, must have a computer with a price that is not cheap, now the internet can be used by anyone since mobile phone technology is growing very rapidly in Indonesia. There are so many benefits of the internet if users use it for the benefit of a positive as well, such as to look for educational information or other info, as a means of business, to establish positive friendships, and much more internet benefits can be obtained.

Negative Impacts of the Internet

Sites nasty: do not just open a site that is very nasty can damage the moral of the younger generation (even old). Irresponsible actors can be very and very easy to at once become the culprit, by uploading or uploading photos or video mesummelalui internet. In fact, this is the usual warm news, "hey, there's a video mesumbaru ni" or something like that. Also when some time ago, the top Indonesian artist who stumbled over this nasty video case to give a widespread impact in the community.

Online games, games can indeed make the fans drift away. Moreover, online games that can interact with many people from around the world. Very fun and addictive, "forget the land does not remember the ocean", forget the time, forget the health, wasteful fees, (especially for students) and furthermore, online games can be a means of gambling.

Social media or social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Friendster also like online games. Can make addiction and forget, even social networking Facebook has a lot of swallow crime victims in various ways committed perpetrators to ensnare the victim.

Internet fraud, this is also the most widely asked, rampant and many who become victims. Online services can be a means for the perpetrators of any crime of his name, to ensnare the target of fraud.

And there is still a negative impact of this internet. But when we just stop here, bad and negative thoughts about the internet, we will just stay silent and never move from place, never "everywhere" and can not take advantage of the internet in terms of positive. Here are some of the positive benefits of internet.

Positive Impact of the Internet

Very many benefits of the internet that we can get. Just like a sharp knife, what is that for? Depending on us to use it, there is always the choice of two opposite sides. And this also applies almost to everything in the world. Hopefully we can take the best of advances in technology, the positive side of this internet benefit.

The Internet is a network of computers that are connected internationally and spread all over the world. This network includes millions of computer planes connected to each other by utilizing telephone networks (both wires and electromagnetic waves) .The millions of computers allow multiple applications to run between computers on the Internet with the necessary software and hardware support. To join this network, one party (in this case the provider) must have an application program as well as a data bank that provides information and data that can be accessed by other parties who are incorporated in the internet.

Parties who have joined in this network will have their own address (like a phone number) that can be contacted through the internet network. This provider is the server for the parties who have a personal computer (PC) to become customers or to access the internet.

In line with the development of the times, advances in Internet technology are also increasingly advanced. â € ~Internetâ € ™ is a computer network that can connect a computer or computer network with another computer network, so it can communicate or share data regardless of the type of computer itself.

In 1999, the number of computers that have been connected to the internet worldwide reached more than 40 million and this number is growing every day. Currently the number of websites reaching millions, maybe even trillions, contains a variety of topics. Of course, these sites become a source of information both positive and negative. Information are positive if it has benefits to research. Below will explain the positive and negative impacts of internet usage.

Positive impact :

  1. Internet as a medium of communication, is the most widely used internet function where every internet user can communicate with other users from all over the world.

  2. Media data exchange, by using email, newsgroup, ftp and www (world wide web - network of websites) internet users around the world can exchange information quickly and cheaply.

  3. Media to search for information or data, rapid internet development, make www as one of the important and accurate information source.

  4. Ease of obtaining information on the internet so that people know what happens.

  5. Can be used as an information field for education, culture, and others

  6. Ease of transacting and doing business in the field of trade so no need to go to the place of bidding / selling.

Negative impact :


The assumption that the internet is identical to pornography is not wrong. With the ability to deliver information owned by the internet, pornography was rampant. To anticipate this, the 'browser' manufacturers complete their program with the ability to choose the type of home-page that can be accessed. On the internet there are images of pornography and violence that can lead to someone's impulse to act criminally.

Violence and Gore

Cruelty and violence are also displayed. Because the business and content in the Internet world is not limited, the site owners use all sorts of ways to be able to 'sell' their sites. One of them by displaying things that are taboo.

It infectious all aspects. The Internet did not escape the attack of fraudsters. The best way is to ignore this or confirm the information you get with the information provider.


Due to its direct nature, the way of shopping by using Credit cards is the most widely used way in the internet world. Internet criminals have the most crime in this field. With an open nature, criminals are able to detect an on-line transaction (using Credit Card) and record the Card code used. They then use the data they get for their crimes.


Another effect is the expansion of gambling. With the available networks, gamblers do not need to go to a special place to fulfill their wishes. You just need to avoid sites like this, because gambling sites are generally not aggressive and require a lot of approval from their visitors.

  1. Reduce the social nature of humans because they tend to prefer to connect via the Internet rather than meet directly (face to face).

  2. From changing social characteristics can lead to changes in patterns of society in interacting.

  3. Crimes such as cheating and stealing can be done on the internet (crime also develops).

  4. Can make a person addicted, especially concerning pornography and can spend money because only to serve the addiction