Some Women of Note This International Women's Day

in #internationalwomensday7 years ago (edited)


Today or tomorrow many wonderful women will die, they will be blown apart by weapons manufactured far away from their homes, fired by soldiers who see them as little more than images on a screen. Soldiers, ultimately who are there because another woman pursued a doctrine of destabilisation in their part of the world.

Others will be sold into slavery as a direct consequence of the same destabilisation doctrine.

We will not know these women. They will not be celebrated by the social justice warriors pursuing their crusade for equality, nor will their passing be marked by their fellow citizens, who will be too busy trying not to suffer the same fate.

Their anonymity is a stark testimony to the tokenism of International Women’s Day and its hijacking by the usual feminist warriors who are heedless of these people’s fate and merely concerned with advancing whatever cause they’ve embraced this year.

As with many noble concepts, feminism seems to have been hijacked by a small by a very vocal group that wants to tear everything down. That’s a pity because to my mind these people have bought a lie.

I’ve always wondered why feminists bitch, scream and moan about “equality.” It’s always struck me as selling women massively short. Why would you want equality in a corrupt, eat your own, take no prisoners world that demands all semblance of humanity be left at the door before you start work?

Women are better than that. I’ve always thought so anyway. I’m talking about the fiercely independent, dare to be different, truth and justice-seeking women the world over who couldn’t give two hoots about the glass ceiling, or the “misogyny” that shot down fake feminist heroines like Clinton and Gillard. They’re too busy living life and making a difference where it matters most.

You know the type. The type that calls a spade a spade in the nicest possible way and to hell with the consequences. The type who loves truth and isn’t afraid to tell it like it is.

I’m thinking of Elizabeth Vos and Suzie Dawson – now there’s a couple of fiercely independent journalists, capable of writing stories of major consequence that mainstream journalists dare not touch. They don’t check social justice credentials they deal in facts as brutal and as confronting as they may be. Sadly, most feminist social justice warriors would not know who either of those incredible ladies are. That speaks volumes.

Speaking of fearless female journalists, let’s not forget Stefania Maurizi who has doggedly pursued the truth about the conspiracy to frame, defame and ultimately incarcerate Julian Assange. Maurizi’s tireless journalism has helped shed light on the darkest corners of the entangled web that is the “security” apparatus and the lengths it is prepared to go to. She is every inch of what a journalist should aspire to be – tough, relentless, dogged and courageous.

While we’re on the subject of courage, who could ever forget Elizabeth Beck and the obvious terror that she displayed in interviews at the height of the DNC fraud lawsuit madness that enveloped her and her husband’s life. It’s easy standing for”justice” in a crowd of lemmings, quite another thing entirely to stand by your partner and demand justice while people associated with you drop dead. She deserves a medal (as does her husband – but it’s International Women’s Day, Jared, you’ll have to wait your turn.)

I could mention many other wonderful women who have carved out their own special niche in the world. They are all courageous and invariably true to themselves. As are most women who go about their business making a difference where it matters most to them. This is their day.

These women should be icons for young girls everywhere. Instead, they’re served a diet of corrupt politicians, crusading mewling shrews and pop icons that suggest behaving like a slut is the only way to be successful.

Women are better than that. Much better.

Here’s to International Women’s Day and women everywhere.

I’m a freelance writer, eking out a crust writing content for businesses. I’d much prefer to write more articles like this. You can support me to achieve that goal by following me on Twitter, or here on Steemit or alternatively funding my independence by becoming a patron here I appreciate your support