Thanks for the kinds words @therneau ...
I tried doing exactly that... in fact I even went a little further... I have a group of influential (for South Africa anyway) YouTubers that I convinced to join Steemit. My reasoning: In my first few days/weeks, I quickly realised that nobody actually "discovers" new content on Steemit. Everyone that is anyone is already voting for their friends in exchange for return votes and it's near impossible to make a name for yourself with a 0.002 vote on offer in return.@acidyo, this is my 2 cents:
Great! Fair Play! That is the game and I was cool with that (not entirely dissimilar from starting out on any other new platform)... and my own fault for getting to the party late...
Hence the decision to get these YouTubers onto Steemit: We could create our own new little "circle-jerk" party... I even created a bot that was going to upvote all these friends' posts... financed using fiat that I personally invested...great in theory. (but that turned South because STEEM took a dive literally a week after I invested, and the math no longer added up... a story for another day).
because copy-paste from existing channels, just to "start a presence on Steemit" gets you flagged) that garners <10 views doesn't justify 'annoying' the following you have there (not to mention the damage done to real world relationships with the staff of FB & YouTube etc. that one might have managed to make a connection with).Anyway... the biggest resistance for all these YouTubers to join: Uploading content to @dtube and/or @dlive is "challenging" to say the least... Steemit has no native apps, mobile is a joke, and any 3rd party apps (while also far from user-friendly) take up to 25% of any rewards you might have wasted money on with bots for ANY sort of visibility. So wasting hours on a new post (
In short: There's 0 incentive for creators to post content on Steemit (not even talking money... many creators don't make money from other platforms either), and even less for our audience to leave a comfortable/working platform and try consume content on Steemit (because even watching videos is a challenge, and all the 'regular blog posts' look like something from a '90s website... assuming the author even put effort in to making it look that good). I have a few cool (in my opinion) series ideas, that I wanted to make STEEM/DTube exclusive, but they cost time and money to make, so they will find their home on YouTube where, although ad revenue will be negligible, I can at least raise real world sponsor capital to fund them.
Something random, but on topic: this is a snap from a whatsapp chat earlier today:
Loosely translated: "Is it just me, or is DLive is a joke?"
THAT is the exact convo I've had with every other creator and sponsor I've spoken to so far.
So why am I persisting:
Well, I'm fortunate enough to be in a position where I have nothing better to do. I have the time on my hands that it takes to engage with the 5 people that actually watch my videos and read my posts, and so... I'm now literally running 3 additional accounts on behalf of a few very close friends (they create the content and I publish and promote it for them)... They might hopefully be worth something one day, and then we can all upvote each other (assuming STEEM becomes worth a lot more that it is currently).
If not... well... at least I met a few cool people (which is Steemit's ONLY saving grace so far: Truly great communities here and there in between all the junk & bickering). Oh yes... that, and I've had some fun learning to code again and have a lot of all-nighters creating bots / automated games. Something I thought I would never do again... and find myself quite enjoying as an alternative to going out and getting drunk every night... hmmm, just realised I spent far to long writing this comment that most likely will only be seen by the 2 people tagged in it. :P
No incentive (ignoring financial) for creators to post content, and it actually does harm to existing channel audiences if we try convince them to (attempt to) consume it on Steemit.