
Got to work with the cards we are dealt everyday
Sometimes you got to fake it till you make it

Life is a problem. Embrace it! self is nothing, we make it by thinking it as a problem, if we take it as a test and try to pass it, you will it will be nothing, you may fail once or twice, but failures are always a lesson :) best of luck all for their exams :)

Problems are there to be solved.

If you think that problem can't be solved, then it really becomes a problem.

I know that from my experience (actually my moms).

She has a tumour, and she thinks she can't handle that problem.

I remind her everyday to fight and solve that problem.

You just need to think positive, and every problem can be solved.

money solves all problems ....poverty is a disease

in our lives much we face always.

never find yourself out of trouble, because there will be a myriad of problems that you will face later. but challenge him and find the best way.

Money can manage all aspects of life, but living above poverty is fate @z8teyb289qav9z

The only problem we can't solve is dead! Everything else has a solution!

Pemandangan. Yg indah

I'll admit it, I have a coffee problem. :P

Or maybe the problem is thinking there is a problem too often when there's no problem. Would that not be problematic?

Problems are Not problems! They are Tests or Tasks to make You eligible for the goals, for what you are dreaming!