INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE - Path to Financial Freedom is a lifelong Journey

in #inspirational6 years ago (edited)

Good Morning guys,

I missed to write my entry yesterday so I was currently out of ideas as of the moment
You are wondering if where did I get those ideas for the past five Entries.... They actually came from the people who influenced my life (Bo Sanchez, Robert Kiyosaki, My Parents, Mr. Juanis Barredo etc.) and at the same time from my experiences. (As the saying goes, experience is the best teacher)

Awts... Almost out of the topic, ANYWAY (I LIKE THAT WORD! heheh) As I were saying I am still in the early stages of development... IN other words, i'm still in progress on my journey towards FINANCIAL FREEDOM.... And I will say to you that this is the road less travelled by people... Do you know why?

The journey to financial freedom is a process.

It is not to be learned overnight

It is not a get RICH quick scheme

It takes nerves of steel and a lot of hardwork.

As of these writing:
---> I currently have almost 10 years exposure to the stock market. I learned a from my mistakes and at the same time from the people who has good experience in it. It's hard at first, As they said that it entails a lot of risks, but with proper financial intelligence and guidance, You will do good. I can help you if you want. = )

--> I am also doing a part time MLM business. If you don't have any idea MLM is it means Multi-Level-Marketing.
I am actually a noobie in this field as of now but I see promising results in this industry. Again I could share my experiences if you want. = )

--> I am also into the insurance industry, you see we live in a world full of uncertainties and having an insurance means not only serves as an "emergency backup" but also proves to be a lifetime saver as well. With recent developments it can also serve as an additional investment vehicle.

--> And of course I still have my ever stable Job = ) .

The only thing I could say is, START EARLY, The early or younger you start means that you have the edge because we have time on our side. There's really no secret template or formula for it and each one has its own pace but what i can assure you is that it will pay off when the right time comes

Good luck on your journey!


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