Trust in God – God’s Word Today & Thoughts to Ponder

in #inspirational8 years ago


 God’s Word Today:

Isaiah 26:3-4 NCV

You, Lord, give true peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you. So, trust the Lord always, because he is our Rock forever.

Thoughts to Ponder:

Change is constant in life. There are slow changes and at times sudden (even drastic) changes that one should deal with.

There is fear in all the changes that surrounds us, all because there is an element of the unknown  beyond what we know now.

As humans we have great fear of the unknown.

 Our heads begin to spin with thoughts of scenarios beyond our grasps and our emotions churning and troubled.

Where can we find true peace?

How can we avail of it?What can we hold on to in this uncertain life?

Through peaks and valleys in life, we can only put our trust on the one who never changes – God is always there.

He never changes. He’s in control.

Placing our weary thoughts and troubled emotions in His hands is a matter of trust.

By doing so we can then avail of the peace that’s beyond what this sin ravaged world can offer.

Are you troubled my friend?

So am I…but we can place our trust in God.

Dear Father,

We give you now our weary minds and hearts.

We’re fearful of the uncertain things and events around us.

But through it all we can put our trust in You, for You are the Peace-speaker, the Alpha and the Omega.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

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