Troubles – God’s Word Today & Thoughts to Ponder

in #inspirational7 years ago

God’s Word Today:

John 16:33 NCV“I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.”

Thoughts to Ponder:

It’s been three years since troubles upon troubles have mounted over our lives. Sickness, problems, financial problems and the emotional and spiritual challenges that goes along with these never seems to cease.

For how long? For how much?

We’ve been so drained at times we feel we’re numbed by these hardships.

 It was just a few weeks ago when my mom died after a 9 month battle with cancer. Just today, we learned my wife’s grandpa had a stroke and has possibly slipped into coma.

Our son still has his on-going autoimmune condition… For 3 years now. Unexpected troubles of everyday life… This earth seems to be too hard.

I was reading the Bible just a few minutes ago…looking for answers…John 16:33 then came into view.

It reminded me that this world is indeed full of hardships. There’s no way around it… We’ll experience these to be reminded that God has better things in store for us. It’s not of this world…actually it’s eternally satisfying than our current world’s best.

Bitter and afraid we might be… Drained and battered…we continue to be brave. These wickedness have been defeated…God cares enough that’s why He died for us to have the assurance of the greatest win of our lives.

Dear Father,

Help us not to lose hope and faith even though for years we’ve struggled.

Hold us and give us peace and hope in faith.

Now and forever we press on… 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

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